Quite interesting . Thank you @Ravenrotf . Just one question : do you consider in you stats the tank color ? I mean is the weak color against the tank always excluded (the question for raids can be strange but not for wars, depending on the heroes number you have)
I initially tracked many different variables (# of healers, enemy Tank, etc.) but it was difficult to get people to report on all the different factors. The basic plan was to stack strong vs the tank. When we got to 3-2 and 4-1 there were more cases of people not stacking vs the tank for various reasons, particularly from our more experienced players. However, I believe everyone avoided stacking weak vs the Tank because taking the Tank down quickly improves your odds of winning.
As a side note, the goal of Raids is to one-shot the enemy team. In Alliance Wars, you want to at least pop the Tank so a cleanup attack can finish it off. That subtle difference changes how you approach the battle and build your team.
Why didn’t you do mono I did some similar data crunch with my raid last spring/summer, but with 5-0 and 3-2 only. 5-0 gave me 7% more normal raid victories, not tested in wars though
2-2-1 is my standard as I can use that set up defensively and offensively. Unless its blue tanks, then i may have to go 3-2 due to the fact I’m still lacking green hitters
That is an excellent question and we discuss it during each run we do. If you normally do 2-1-1-1 or 2-2-1, you need to keep & develop 2 troops of each color to support it; for 3-1-1 or 3-2, you need to keep & develop 3 troops per color. I recommend training your main Troop in each color to a specific level before starting on your 2nds & 3rds.
As you gain a 3* troop, your 2* will eventually slide to the #2 Slot. Likewise, a 4* will eventually bump your 3* to the second slot. Training troops isn’t a quick process but it pays to plan ahead and have the troops to support the color stacking strategies you intend to use.
so basically to get the best we need 3 troops(3-1-1) of the same color to be leveled to the same level. The concept of strengthening your weakest link? Ideal some mana and some crit?
That mean not building out your barracks to the next level till you have maxed your at least 3 of each color??
question for you stackers, in the 3-1-1 and if you use a healer that healer should be part of the 3?
Also when you did your stats were u using 1,2 or no healers?
Did you take into account the player level since that differential appears to make a difference. I know I don’t have much of a chance when a 70 showed up to my 58 even though my team point may be better
In a 3-1-1, the “3” is your punch, so you want it to be as strong as possible - that means heroes with high Attack Values. Many healers have a lower Attack Value, so they normally go in a “1”.
Another advantage of putting healers in the “1s” is it allows you to charge 3 damage dealers at the same time in your “3” (assuming they all have the same mana speed). That gives you the firepower to take out any hero with their combined Special attacks.
As far as number of healers, we recommend 1 for 2-1-1-1 and 1-2 for 2-2-1 & 3-1-1 , and 2 for 3-2, 4-1 and 5. Healers give a team longevity. The fewer colors you have, the more you need healers to give you the time you need to build those lethal tile combinations.
In general, for 2-1-1-1 and 3-1-1, we color stack vs the tank. For 2-2-1, we color stack vs the tank and one of the flanks (usually the side without a healer). For 3-2 and 4-1 it was a lot more situational.
Since we’re talking about Color Stacking, you may find this interesting:
Tile Damage
I like to think of damage in terms of tiles. Let’s assume 3 tiles do 100 damage to their target (or 1 tile = 33 damage)
Now let’s say I’m going to attack a team with Gormek (1,430 health) as their tank.
That means it will take 44 tile hits to drop Gormek (yikes!).
How am I going to win?
Hero Stacking: Taking 2 or more heroes of the same color
When a tile hits, all Heroes matching the tile’s color attack
So if I have 2 red heroes, both attack when a red tile hits = 2 tiles of damage per Red tile
Strong Color: Use the elemental chart to find strong & weak colors
My Blue hero is strong (x2 damage) vs Red = 2 tiles of damage per Blue tile
Color Stacking: Hero Stacking (#1) with Strong color Heroes (#2)
So 2 (x2 damage) Blue (x2 damage) Heroes vs Red = 4 tile of damage per Blue tile
Special Skill Attack: Skills that cause damage are colorless (ignore color chart)
100% damage = 3 tiles, so Grimm’s special attack (295% damage) = 9 tiles of damage
Defense Debuff: Reduces the defense value of enemy Heroes
When Grimm attacks, he also drops the target’s defense by 34% (+50% tile damage)
Attack Buff: Increases the attack value of friendly Heroes
When Boldtusk heals, he also gives friendly Heroes a +48% attack Buff (+50% tile damage)
Pulling it All Together
When I build my team, I’ll color stack 2 Blue Heroes (x4 blue tile damage)
Then I’ll fire Boldtusk to get +48% attack for 4 turns (x6 blue tile damage)
Then I’ll fire Grimm to give him -34% defense (x9 blue tile damage)
After Grimm’s Special Attack I have 4 turns to hit Gormek with 4 blue tiles
Grimm’s attack (9 tiles + 50% from Gormek = 13 tiles) + 4 Blue tiles (9x4 tiles = 36 tiles) = 49 tiles of damage = dead
Who said Gormek is tough - he’s a pansy!!!