What.Who to level

I am not sure who to level at the moment. As a defence team I have from left to right:
Bane,Sartana(2/60, Grimm, Brienne and Nashgar.

My levelled heroes are:
Bane,Grimm,Brienne,Nashgar,Balthazar,Little John,Azar,Valen,Berden,Thyrum,Melia,Oberon,Ulmer,Gunnar,Jahangir,Gato,Hawkmoon,

Sartana(2/60,missing mats) Hu Tao(2/60,missing mats), Gan Ju(2/17),Issthak(3/9), Willbur(2/27),Gormek

My dupes are:
Jahangir,Hawkmoon,Belith,Gunnar,Karil,Hu Tao,Isshtak, Brienne(2x),Azar(2x).

I am levelling up Wilbur till he can’t ascend anymore but I don’t know if it is best to level up my 3* so that I have solid teams or level up the 4* I have.

Also I don’t know what building to level. Should I focus on my iron/food… or crafting. I can have 106 recruits. I also have crafting at: 12,4,4 and 5.

My training camps are at 20,13,9,9.Stronghold at 20, Watchtower at 16, 8 farms at 15, mines at 17,18,18 and 15.Mine storage at: 20, 20,19,19,16. Food storage at: 16,16,16 and 16.

I have also noticed that I rarely get elements chest to fill. Just wondering if that is normal.

Thanks in advance…

[edited to correct ascension levels per later posts]

Based on your current heroes I would put Wilbur, Grimm, HuTao, Little John, Sartana as your defense. So you should definitely work on these.

Isn’t it so that unlevelled 4* are weaker than a maxed 3* team? Could you explain to me as to why you choose those heroes?

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Sure. So unleveled 4* heroes at 3.60 is generally around the 550 power range. A fully leveled 3* is only at arnd 440-450 power range. So even if those 4* heroes are unleveled they will have better stats and durability as compared to the 3 star heroes.

Hence, I chose those heroes to give your defense team the maximum strength. And also, those heroes are good. Wilbur can buff the defense of your team while lowering the defense of the opponent, Grimm is a pure beast, Hu Tao blinds the opponent, Little John slows down mana regen of the opponent and Sartana is the fast sniper who can kill the opponents one by one while the rest of your heroes stall. Ofcourse, there is no healer in that team now, but it’s not necessary. Later you can replace one of them when you get a 4* healer.

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Thanks for the explanation. I will give that defence team a go.

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Sure, let us know how it goes. Also, I am a little bit confused about the level of your Sartana. Is she at 2.60 or 3.70 or fully ascended?

She is 2/60. She has been there for quite some time now. She needs the gloves to ascend.

I’ve corrected your original post to show 2nd ascension for Sartana and Hu Tao.


I wouldn’t worry about defense. The highest raid arena right now will be dictated by your ability to attack. If your alliance wants you to build better AW defense, that’s another matter. You’ve done really good with leveling almost exclusively good heroes for their level. I’d prioritize Wilbur over Gormek, and complete your rainbow level 70 team. If you care about wars you might need more healers. But this depends on whether you’re a little fish in your alliance, and how much your alliance cares about your fifth and sixth flag.

I would like to do better in wars. I recently switched alliances and all they ask is that you try but I definitely want to improve that. It is an easy going Alliance and I prefer that. I do want to learn and get better though.I recently posted my struggles in raid and took on that advice and I do loose raids but I win much more so I am really enjoying raiding now. I would like some more healer and have Hawkmoon and Belith to max and have both of them as dupes. I don’t have a 4* hero yet unfortunately.

I’m a little fish in my alliance, but do okay in war. My defense does get defeated 3 times though. Sometimes 4, and rarely 2. I find the best way to score well is to be online a lot during war. Don’t hurry to take an opportunity, because a better fit can come up. It’s great experience at gauging how strong a team is needed for a particular battle. And I never feel pressure to hurry to fill a chest, so it’s great time to search field for optimal moves. I really don’t worry about the defense yet, because there are huge gulfs between 3/50 and 3/60 and 4/70, and I just don’t have a significant 4/5* collection so it is what it is. You’ve got almost as many, but they’re not as levelled, and I levelled a full fleet of 3* waiting for them. If you’ve got TC20 running or you plan to do pulls, I wouldn’t worry about 3* anymore except possibly those healers. As I said the quality of the ones you levelled is good.

I think I am a little fish too. Sometimes I can hit well with a titan, but in wars because I am in Europe, the teams I can beat are always taken down by the time I wake up and only high level teams are beaten. I will level up Wilbur and then level the few 3 healers I have just to have some back up until a better healer comes along. And I have my TC20 running all the time.

I see you have 2 training camps at 9. You only need 1 below 11 to burn through backpacks, so I’d get 1 of those up to 11 in near future, or both if you’re close to running through your backpacks. You have lots of food from your farms, so hopefully your barracks is moving up. You don’t mention your forge, but that is key to quests and events. I put forges at 5 and 1 at 12 to make bombs with surplus iron (when no VIP). I’ll move another 1 to 7 to make turtles during the time when levell8ng the 12 up further.

My forges are at 12, 5,4 and 4. In my post I called them crafting:). Sorry for the confusion. I am also a VIP since recently. As for backpack: I always seem to farm for backpacks and swords, always running out of them. I use this guide: Farming Guide by Hotdamnmess - Google Sheets

But I always am lacking them.