What path for these three?

What path would you choose for these three? I’m currently using them all on my defense team, and they’re among my strongest Heroes currently. Thanks in advance!

Are any of them appearing on your war defence team?

As Tyr & Alasie are both snipers I would go attack as priority. Then if they’re on your war defence team I would go Def > HP. Otherwise I would go HP > Def

Is Frigg to be your defence tank? If so I would go Def > HP > Attack. If she’s not to be your defence tank I would follow the same priority as Alasie & Tyr (above).


Currently they are all on my raid/war defense. My current raid D-team is Tyr, Frigg, Alfrike, Vivica, Alasie. I’m considering swapping out Vivica for Sif. I move them around for war depending on which war, and strategy of the alliance. I swap out Alfrike for Seshat occasionally as well, and move the team around. Seshat competes with Alasie for emblems unfortunately, but I have a few on her. Frigg could make a decent tank also I think.

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Congrats! Nice heroes. I think more attack for sure for the 2 snipers. Im planning on going all d and health for frigg as i want her at tank. Im debating if i want her maxed out stats to be


Thats what im questioning right now. @Guvnor any thoughts about these stats

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Frigg is an amazing tank :stuck_out_tongue: very difficult to deal with if you don’t clear green tiles from the board…

My personal view is that the tank you follow Def > HP > Attack. Defence as priority over HP as this reduces the points your team is worth as a War Defence team (as points is a function of team HP).

Snipers I will always prioritise Attack cause that’s what they’re good at :stuck_out_tongue: killing stuff haha.

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@Guvnor would you say she is better than Alfrike in the position or would you use Alfrike, and Frigg in flank?

Try both :stuck_out_tongue: see what works best for you :slight_smile:

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