Hi everyone. I have been playing E&P for over 4 years. I am a F2P player, so I don’t have many fancy heroes of the month. The usual defence team that I have been using is: Mariana, C. Rigard, Wilbur, Brynhilde, and Sonya (All fully emblemed). That has worked fine for a long time, but I’m wondering if there is a better set up that I can use, since I acquired a few new heroes since then. I would appreciate any help I could get. Thank you all in advance. Here are the heroes that I have to play with…
Oops almost fully emblemed.
It may not be ideal right now, but Frigg and Odin definitely stand out as heroes that need to be prioritized for leveling/embleming and put on your defense. I also see a Gravemaker.
What is your plan to get them on the defense team?
Completely agree with @Ruskin505 was just thinking that same thing.
The ones that stand out to me would be Gravemaker, Odin and Frigg …
Build those up and put them in your defence team
I am currently working on Odin, Gravemaker, Lianna, another costumed Rigard and Boril’s costume. I’m also trying to get more emblems for Frigg.
Who do you think would be good support heroes for Frigg, Odin and Gravemaker? Are there any other heroes that I should be focusing on to help those 3 heroes?
this means you need a Blue and a Purple if you want rainbow…
I suggest Raffaele… and maybe Sartana.
Others can comment, but I’m thinking
Gravemaker / Frigg / Raffaele / Odin / Sartana ?
Would Raffael be in the tank position?
Right now my Odin seems a little squishy, and seems to die quickly. Should I fully emblemed him before I try using him in defence?
Reason I chose raffaele as tank is because he’s slow but fairly bulky. But as I said, maybe others can comment…
Re Odin I would max him and try him ASAP. Emblem him as far as you can but don’t worry if you can’t fully emblem him first. He’s dangerous as is
Which raid formation would you recommend?
I started using my Odin during raids to test him out, and I find him to be very squishy. He dies too easily.
I had to swap out Sartana and add a second healer (Sabina) to try to keep him alive. It doesn’t always work though. I seem to lose more raids than I win with both attacking and defending.
For defense you could experiment with reverse… maybe have alliance mates attack your defense to test it out
Thank you. I’ll try it out.