What is the most damage per tile you have seen?

I’ve done like 4k damage with one tile. Love to see a screenshot with 10k.

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is 10k even possible?

I’ve seen around 4k with -def and -def to specific element active paired with Wu or Ranvir’s buff.

Only possible on lower level titans.

I saw 6700ish tile hit on a 9* Titan recently. Miki + Frida + Kiril + Grimm (and a 5th random blue: Ariel) against red is devastating.


I’ve had 7900 on a red 13 star titan. Using Athena and Arthur’s drop and Kiril and Miki’s boost.

Had 6.7k on 8* purple titan, 5-0 yellow stack with monkey and Jackal.

I’m sorry, but… Screenshot or it never happened :man_shrugging:


Who screenshots while in a titan battle where time is of the essence?


By recording a video.
Just taken from some random posts:

Or like this:


5822 is the highest tile hit I observed in this video

5 stack blue
+50% attack
Elemental down
Defence down
Miki tile buffer
Crit hit

Only way to get this dmg higher:

  • Higher tile power heroes (replace Aegir and add emblems)
  • titan with lower defense (lower stars)
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Up to 7k mono blue against a 6* red titan when hitting the weak point.

Doubled att up, doubled def down and high tile damaging heroes.

Athena, Frida, Kiril, Miki and Ariel.


My highest so far is 5k against 7* green.



Helping out on a lower level titan with my alt saw tiles break 7k, and it was only a 4 stack.

On my main vs 11/12 star titans, have seen 5500 to 6k.

Really Impressive guys, I can’t wait to get to those high titan scores now.

Well done to you all.

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Decent boards plus lots of big mana pots and storms today.


I had 6000/tile on a 11* purple Titan. Got to set my alliance’s high score with 113k total hit :slight_smile:

IIRC I had a Titan banner along with elemental debuff from G.Jackal, WK, and defense down from harpoon.

I don’t know the exact number though. Next purple we get I’ll try to get some screen captures :slight_smile:

I am curious what the most tile damage would be :slight_smile:

You can also get higher tile hits by having a large combo.

I know I had a 6k hit on a 7/8* titan. Green stack + wu. I don’t record so no proof. Just have to take my word for it.

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Here… around one minute mark…

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Theorically speaking damage can scale up to infinity if titan survives long enough and if combo multipliers are not capped

Lets say 5 reds against green titan

We match 3 vertical reds for 3000dmg per tile

The replacement tiles are also 3 vertical reds → attack x1.1 → 3300dmg
The new replacement tiles are 3 vertical reds again → attack x1.2 → 3600dmg
New tiles, more reds → attack x1.3 → 3900dmg

And repeat repeat repeat

Of course this is a near impossible scenario but damage can keep scaling up until titan is dead or a cap is reached (I don’t know if there is a cap in damage you can deal from a single tile).

Highest I have done ( more or less on every red titan ) is ~5K per tile in the critical spot with all fired up in the following order
Miki, Kiril, Frida, Grim ( Magni being the 5th one ).
Suppose can go higher as Miki is only 3/70 + as above stated combo multiplier