What is the most damage per tile you have seen?


:clap: :clap: :clap:

EDIT: SS added (credits to @Salonitanicus)


I never bothered to record titan hits, but do take screenshots of my 100k plus hits. Here are a few!

I regularly see tiles in the 4k range on 12-14* titans. (Except yellow, I suck against yellow)

I had a titan battle where I had a huge cascade of ?13? and while it was mostly off-color tiles, the last set included a 7.8k tile hit.

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So 7.8k is the val to beat. Let’s see an 8k.

My alt has been over 8k on a tile with a mono yellow stack vs a 1 star titan… 83xx… when I gave him a break for a couple weeks in his own 1 man alliance. But there no screenshot, I mean… c’mon… 1 star titan.

Howdy all. Just a fun topic here, no proof required or anything, but it would be welcome and neat to see!

I was just wondering what is the highest tile damage you’ve ever seen before.

I imagine you higher level players would actually be at a disadvantage, facing bigger titans with (I assume) higher defense??

I think mine was on a green Titan… and was in the 6400s.

My line up would’ve been Wilbur, BT, G Falc, Colen, Wu K.

Cheers. :smiley:

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Merge @rook

Thanks, Dude I searched, but apparently not well enough. :stuck_out_tongue: thought I had a fresh topic… shouldve known better lol.

I just remembered seeing it the other day! I though that it was odd as when I play I never look at what scores on the titan or opponents!
For titan look for “weak spot” then can I make a match to stun! I look at the board more than anything! Guess it maybe different If you play on a PC!

2763, 2677, 2822 done against a 10 * green titan with +17 Scarlett, +11 Lancelot, +18 BT, +6 Wilbur and +8 Wu. No screen shot though.
Was a diamond tiles but with Wu on board, misses and big hits is common.

Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:


Around 2200 in a 10 combo with defense down, maxed Berserker’s Fury and a super effective cascade. Pity I didn’t screenshot it. It was beautiful.

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Here is a claim no-one will have trouble believing. 650; I have no Wu or attack rally hero out of a line up of 60.

How about Valen or a pulverizer brother? I’m in the same position with regards to attack+ heroes, but the defense- heroes make a big difference, too.

I use a Valen+18 where possible and a BoldTusk 3:60. Hidden blades aren’t called hidden for nothing in my case.:slightly_smiling_face:

Almost 8.5k, credits to Sarmale. I think I saw a 11k hit in one of his videos.

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Ok level 2.2. Season 1. Used melia wu Chao li xiu and delilah. All maxed. Delilah has 7 emblems. Use wu special and melia and a dragon banner. Crit hit 9637 on Purple target. I’m sure people with better heros can do better. 10k is totally doable. Trick is firing special on screen before so as not to kill the enemies. Is the a hero that reduces defense without doing any damage? Go mono and get that 10k!

Gill-Ra, but she’s only 3* with a relative low attack stat…

And we need a wu yellow or ranvir or mikko blue for the crazy attack boost. I think maybe some of the costume heros might do it. No purple that I know of give 160 plus boost

Oh and troops were level 15 and all 1s. 4 star