I have managed to get 3k gems. It takes me about 4-5 months to get them being F2P, so using them at the best portal is important for me.
Last 10 pull I did was at the Guardians event, because I own neither Jackal or Falcon.
However, perhaps the Costume Chamber is a better portal now that Marjana and Leonidas are better versions of Jackal and Falcon. Or perhaps the quality of the season 3 heroes (or even season 4 with some patience) is bettter for me.
As you can see, I don’t realy know the best course of action and I would like your opinion.
5* Roster is:
All season 1 heroes, most of them leveled to 3-70 or 4-80 (none with costume) and I have the mats to bring any of them to 4-80.
Aegir +20
Zulag +8
Vanda +20
Gazelle +20
Santa +3
Gjeffon 1-1 (As soon as Sudri is 3-50 I will start leveling her)
Heroes I would like, because I like their power or aestetic (not realy relevant, but just trying to give every tiny bit of info):
Any elemental defence down hero.
Any 5* dispeller better than Domitia
Lord Loki
Red Hood
Hi, in my opinion, you should try on the Valhalla portal. Almost every S3 heroes are great, and you won’t be disappointed if you get one of them. 4* from this event are also great (Almur, Jott, Brynhild, Mist).
I also vote for the Masquerade portal. Best investment since the bulk of your forces will always be S1s. Also free of the nerf hammer. S3 heroes are next viable target for the nerf hammer.
Just like to add: Getting 20 keys every month for Costume Chamber is normal, getting 400 Valhalla Coins/40 Event tokens is not. I don’t know if that changes anything, but just some extra info
I would also like to add that getting 4 Dawas in the Valhalla or any event portal is also normal. In masquerades, all heroes summon have their costumes, both may be used to level up a costumed hero.
To add to the benefits for the Costume portal. Maxed costumes also give 5% mana generation bonus. Even if you don’t use the costume, that bonus makes your mana troop requirements easier to reach. Though as an F2P, getting mana troops might be harder
I am also FTP, and I almost never factor 5*s into my summoning decisions because of the low odds.
I didn’t do the math, of course, but Almur and Nordri from Valhalla both give elemental defense down, vs. C-Marjana and C-Leo in Costumes. I think the odds will favor Almur and Nordri?
5* dispeller better than Domitia… are there any? I’m not super sure! Seshat is only available in Taverns… but again, the odds are super low. How about 4* dispellers? Melendor and Sabina and their costumes are quite good, don’t know if you have the costume versions yet.
so it’s a tough call. who do you already have, and who not?
personally i’m saving up for a 10x in Valhalla, because
a) I get a lot of free key summons monthly, so I’ve collected many of the costumes for 3* and 4*
b) the 5*s in each are neutral for me, I could use many of them and the odds are low
c) I have very few of the Valhalla heroes despite using all my free coins from completing map stages, so Valhalla has more potential upside for me
Costume Lianna and Zeline. The latter is tavern/HA only.
Plus Caedmon and Sonya.
Personally I’d favor Atlantis/Valhalla/S4 portals. You can get a fair number of keys for free, and unfortunately s1 heroes, even with costume, are once again being left in the dust, power wise.
Another vote for costume chamber. While waiting for mats to ascend 5 star heroes, you can give already maxed heroes a huge boost with their costume. Much easier and affordable to level those costumes.
I have Costume Melendor and ofcourse regular Caedmon and Sonya. 4* dispellers are no problem, but in the 2600+ cups range I realy feel the need for a 5* dispeller. If Domitia and Seshat are the only ones, they need to make more.