Hi All! Trying to help my girlfriend out, she is F2P and gets about 1 or 2 pulls a month from gems.
Should she spend them on Atlantis, Valhalla or Costume Chamber?
She has built a decent three star stable and is moving on to 4s (not ready for 5 mats yet). She has four 4* maxed so looking at building up a 4* stable mainly so I’m ignoring Featured 5* heros for a longer term view.
Atlantis: used to be the obvious choice For four stars cause of Proteus, Wilbur and company but now there’s competition.
Costumes: 2x1 heroes, for someone like her getting a hero that can offer the option to dispell and cleanse upon necessity is massive
Valhalla: not sure but Mist, Brynhild and company seem as awesome as proteus and Wilbur but they are new so I might as well ask.
The costume chamber is my favorite portal at the moment, so I could be biased.
Being a F2P, the costume chamber may be her best bet overall. Having costumes for S1 heroes, which she’ll end up with a lot of, can make her roster go much further. cRigard is excellent all around. I have 2 Kiril’s maxed, one costumed and the other not. cKiril gives enemy defense and attack down while the other buffs your team with the same. cCaedmom allows you to choose between a cleanser or a debuffer. When emblemed, many of these costumed heroes can hang in with 5*’s just fine. It’s a great way to make use of what she’ll naturally have the most of.
A close second would be Atlantis. Great heroes there as well. I’d stick with just those two and save my EHT for Christmas.
Atlantis: Wilbur and Proteus are game changing, they let you finish Legendary tier without much sweat.
Costumes: cRigard, cMelendor and cKiril are awesome, as they can charge faster (9 tiles) with a level 5 mana troop. Also, cSonya and cCaed are fast cleansers!
Valhalla: Mist and Brynhild are great, but I think the above heroes are more important first.
No perfect answer to this unfortunately… however as has already been said get those TCs to level 20 and fingers crossed for both 4* and 5* heroes to appear.
After that personally, I would do the costume chamber at least if you get duplicates you get a costume to Improve the stats.
Good luck
Costume Portal is probably the best portal available for FTP. A single costume works for all copies of a hero so it adds value to your duplicates. Costumed Rigard is a 5 star disguised as a 4 star. Sonya and Caedmon as a fast cleanse is huge. Even Kashhrek’s costume is nice enough that I dusted off the long since abandoned lizard. At the 3 star level, Hawkmoon, Gunner, and Isshtak are huge.
That being said, Wilbur and Proteus are game changing heroes and must haves for FTP/CTP. But I’m guessing she can still gain Atlantis coins for completing stages so using those to do Atlantis pulls and saving gems for costumes would probably be the best option.
I agree with @SirGorash, generally. However, if she’s determined to pick one of the three options in your OP, I’d rank them:
Atlantis, mainly for Wilbur. He is SO versatile, and a must-have for titans of all colors. Of course Proteus is huge too. If you want to consider 3*s as well, Namahage and Mnesseus are highly versatile and powerful.
Costume chamber, because every pull gives you something special. At least for a while, there’s no such thing as a dupe, whereas you get plenty of worthless dupes in every other portal.
Valhalla is just a pretty “meh” portal, in general. There aren’t a ton of S3 heroes that are really useful for a relatively new F2P player. Almur, Mist, Brynhild, Nordri, and that’s about it. The rest are relatively weak compared to heroes of corresponding rarity in other portals, IMO.
Outside of those three, like I said before, I agree with Gorash that Guardians of Teltoc should be top priority. I would recommend saving gems to pull there until she has at least Jackal and Falcon, and just use free coin pulls on other portals.
I think the only other portal I’d consider is Grimmforest, for Hansel/Gretel/Pixie.
I agree with most of what you said, but I do think you’re underestimating Valhalla a little. In addition to those, I think Fura, Gullinbursti, Jott, Bjorn, Grevle, Kvasir, Ei-Dunn are all far from weak.
Costumes. This is because they have higher probability to drop useful 4* than any other event. Costume events drop ONLY heroes with costumes, while portals lower on this list drops either special heroes or just S1 4*. Also, there are crazy good heroes like Saruman Melendor, Opera Rigard, Dreamcatcher Kasshrek, Rocker Tiburtus and Kiril, and Rapunzel Boldtusk. A bit lower are Braveheart Sonya and Nier Caedmon, but they are still pretty good. Honestly, the bad heroes only in my list are Grimforest Skittleskull, Umbrella Li Xiu, Camo Little John and whatever Boril (he looks same to me).
Atlantis: Mainly because Proteus, who is a win button on any event. And Wilbur, who makes you live longer. Combine those two to win anything. Sadly other 4* from S2 not named Triton (great sniper) are not that appealing, but those three more than make up for it.
Valhalla: Most 4* are nice, but there is not ‘a must have’ like in S2. Mist, Brynhild, Almur and Gullinbursti are all great. Fura is okayish, others are more gimmick. Almur maybe classifies as must have because of nature defense reduction for titans.
For 4* I say atlantis for Wilbur and proteus. These 2 will let u finish All the events and hard mode maps to get ascension mats.
Costume heroes are really good but s1 can be made in tc20 and heroes still good without costumes.
S3 has good heroes but a bit niche heroes. Almur for d down is great but won’t have good 4-5* greens to back it. Myst is good too but kinda squishy and good for offense mostly on buff type of defenses.
Another option is saving for guardian event which jackets and falcon is one of the best overall too.
Anyways always that you pull the costume and hero and you max it not matter if the costume is worth or not the original hero will receive a bonus.
2- Valhalla
the classics triton , proteus and Wilbur.
any of those monthly portals are worth it.
about challange events id recommend you teltoc for falcon and jackal and grimmforest for Hansel. But as a new player id give priority to the first ones mentioned above
Quite honestly, the best one to pull imo is Guardians of Teltoc because two out of the three elemental defense downs are 4 stars and are extremely good additions to your roster. I am still chasing Falcon as I need a fire defense down. I lucked out a couple Teltoc events back and scored 3 Jackals and a Panther in the same x10 pull. That was two out of the three I wanted from that event. Falcon can complete my green titan buster team as he will be tag teaming with Wilbur for the ultimate defense stripping.
Like many, the unlisted option of Teltoc needs to be considered. Looking at the portals as a whole, I’d rank them like this:
Atlantis. Proteus is simply the most important hero I will ever have pulled, and it doesn’t matter who else I get from what portal going forward. This will be true if they release 6* heroes. He’s the gateway to event completion in everything except reflect purple, and with care, he can help in some levels in those. Wilbur seems very, very nice, I don’t have him. Triton is good, and some others are okay. You also have old HOTM and some very good 5* there, which can be very useful. Even some good 3*. If she hasn’t finished clearing the lands on normal, however, I’d do that, and farm seadragons hard, and instead spend on…
Teltoc.Guardian Falcon & Jackal are great for Titan scores, event, and War teams. The 3* aren’t great, but Kong & Panther are very nice. If she isn’t in an alliance doing titans, I’d go with Atlantis.
— gem spend break here —
Costume Chamber. It’s giving good stuff, but I wouldn’t spend gems here, simply because of the fact you will get a number of pulls free every month, and at the moment, there is no scarcity to it. You can get free keys every month to generate free pulls. Some say there are no things as dupes here, but when you start getting duplicate costumes of a hero, but have no other costumes in the same color they just sit. Upside is that Costumes take no storage space.
Valhalla. Like the costume chamber, it has no scarcity to it. You can get free coins every month to generate free pulls, plus pushing on in the land clearing. It doesn’t have the no storage upside of costumes, and not all heroes are released yet. I’d wait.
I feel that if you are basically free to play, there’s not a whole lot of reason to push to spend on easier to get stuff.
There are many other 4*s that are great too, but the above are the ones that really stand out as mandatory for me (I’m still missing half of them).
I really recommend saving every epic hero token (gold) that you get. You will want as many as possible to try and pull Buddy. He’s so far the only green 4* that reduces general defense (Almur reduces elemental defense against nature only, though he’s still awesome)
For gems, I would save them for either Atlantis (Wilbur or Proteus) or Teltoc (Jackal or Falcon).
I love the costumed version of Rigard and Sonya (still missing Caedmon – those fast cleanses are invaluable) but I recommend trying with keys first. Fill as many chests as time allows daily, and you’re bound to end up with a few keys to use by the time costumes comes again.