What 5s to raise for defense team?

I’m considering starting to work on my 5s, have an ok bench of 4s now. Since I started in the wrong end (eating invaluable 4s I am yet to see again - the app should come with a link to this forum as a pop up directly when downloaded!) a couple of my 5s are already teens.

I would be using them everywhere (events, wars, raids, titans), but mostly I want to be able to stay in low diamond over night - so it’s mainly raid defense we’re talking about.

Which ones should I go with? They are 1/1 unless otherwise stated.

Justice (x2)
Leo 3.70

Kunchen 4.63
Hel (x2), one at 2.34

Frida (x4), one at 3.70

Elk 3.70

Anzogh (x2)

I have the mats for maxing 1 yellow and 1 green now. Will be able to max 1 blue, 1 purple and 1 red after the coming corresponding rare quests.

My def team today is Kunchen as tank and four maxed 4*, holding me in upper platinum most of the time but I have to struggle back in low diamond to get the chests there and it’s a hassle…

Will most likely do a 30+ next Atlantis, depending on the featured heroes ofc. Will not pull for Avalon or the summer event.