Welche Helden leveln? (Which Heroes to level up?)

I’m still fairly new to the game, so I’m asking for your help.
Which heroes would you level and which heroes can be fed?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards


Hi @Bine80

I added an English translation to your topic title. Hope it gets you more responses.


you look to still be in the early game, though you were able to ascend Kelile - that’s great!

among your 3*, I would look closely at the ones with costumes (they get a stat boost, and you have flexibility between base form and costume).

  1. C-Gunnar - key for scoring well in challenge events, due to shared damage and defense down

  2. Tyrum with costume / Mnesseus with costume - gives you dispel (base) and cleanse (costume) - choose one first. you could also work on Sonya instead, you have both costumes, and she does the same thing (just different element, and 4* rather than 3*)

  3. C-Renfeld for mana control

  4. I could not see who your healers are… you will need some, Belith is my choice for the dispel. But Frosty is also good.

I would focus on either Cyprian or Boril for now, but not both = they do the same thing, now you need more breadth.

It’s a game of patience so try levelling up 3 teams of 3* heroes (rainbow colour) to start with.
Feed away all your 1* and 2* heroes.
Level up:
Costume Gunner, Costume Tyrum
Costume Azar, Costume Balthazar
Costume Renfeld, Costume Mnesseus,
Jolly, Frosty,

Then work on 4 teams of 4* heroes (Rainbow colour)
Level up:
2Costume Kelile, 2Costume Wu Kong, 2Costume Cyprian
2Costume Sonya, Boril and Gobbler

Keep one of each 3* hero feed away your duplicates

When you are on top of all that I would recommend that you come back to the forum and ask for more advice.
Additionally I would suggest that you join a training alliance for ongoing advice

Good luck

I would go for Jolly and Frosty.

Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for your advice. You guys helped me a lot!

Best regards,


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