War tank colors

Since 7dd introduced the idea of taking a single color for all alliance tanks, about 80% of our opponents apply this method. In the remaining 20% each player takes his best tank. As explained clearly in the Yo Momma’s Alliance War Guide, “The idea is simple: Attackers who double/triple the strong element against the tank are easily depleted in the strong element. Only some less players may have enough heroes to double/triple a strong color in all six attacks (12-18 heroes of each color)”.
In his post of June 2018, Alliance War Strategy Guide, Hazard explained : “The most commonly chosen tank color is red. The reason red is selected is the fact that more 4/5* red heroes are good/serviceable tanks than any other color.”
Now, the Anchor Guide is outdated and no more maintained and I see only yellow, violet and blue, as if the object of the most advanced alliances was not only a single color but the same tank on the most possible of their players: Guinevere, Kunchen and Aegir.
If we have a look the Titan Mafia site, in the 10 heroes most used by the top 100, we have 3 holy (Guinevere, Onatel, Delilah), 2 dark (Kunchen, Ursena), 2 ice (Aegir, Alasie), 2 fire (Gravemaker, Santa Claus) 1 nature (Yunan)
But Hazard tempered this opinion : “It is very hard to determine how effective these color coordination strategies are. There are few data to support this, so common sense and anecdotal evidence is what we have to go on”. I am not sure myself that our alliance won more easily against mixed tanks.
In our alliance, we have a color for tanks but we let players free to use another if they have one of the 3 best.
So one year after, are there statistics on the subject that confirm the “common sense” ?

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I certainly win more easily against mixed tanks — if I can do most/all raids 3/2, I’m much more likely to win them. If I have to dig into weak colors and try that way on the back half or war, I usually barely manage to break the tank.


The most beneficial/impactful tank colours probably vary depending on the strength of your alliance and the enemies you face.

If you’re fighting opponents who all have 4300+ power teams, you can anticipate they are attacking you with deep benches of 5*, many with significant emblems.

If you are fighting opponents who have half of their defenses in the 3500-3900 range, then you can assume they are relying much more on attacking you with 4*.

So consider the available heroes in those colours, and at those colour levels. Want to use RED as your tanks? Are you going to be attacked by teams who likely can only bring Kirils, Borils, Grimms, and Sonyas to the fight, with maybe the odd Triton? Or are you facing an enemy that’s going to be loaded with Fridas, Athenas, Alaise, Miki, and so on, with 10 or more emblems on all of them? Your answer may dictate whether you think RED tanks are a good idea or not.

Use same logic to consider all colours. Then you will have a good sense of what colour tank your alliance should be choosing for its defenses.

Personally, I feel there are some colours that have weaker attacking heroes (in terms of tile damage, specials, and mana speed) than others. And these are the colours our alliance tries to force our opponents to have to attack us with.

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I don’t care so much. As a not so strong alliance we often see blue, lots of Kirils and Borils. I am not very happy with my greens, so I stack for the flanks or for the most threatening hero, for Boril with dispeller and that’s not so hard. This war again: blue tanks. First 3 flags from me: I didn’t use any green. Could almost stack 2 mono greens now…
I don’t know if this really changes with other tank colors. Maybe.

You are right @ModernThinker I did’nt precized that we face generally alliances with half 4000+ and the second half between 3700 and 4000