War score upper threshold

Hi guys!
I believe everyone knows about War scope upper threshold - war score reaches its max value after 10 wins in a row.
But after the previous war (01.12) many alliances recieved points above the “10 in a row” threshold.
Many top alliances are really confused.

What’s happenning? =)
Is it a bug?
Is it more than 10 wins in a row now?
Or maybe we don’t have an upper threshold anymore? :slight_smile:

Thanks for your comments!


I thought they upped the cap to 20. @Rigs may have more info…


@mhalttu lifted it to 20 but didnt make a big announcement of it

Here’s the link:

Alliance War, less Binary - #14 by mhalttu

Btw should be an announcement of some kind as the 10 cap was never a real hidden mechanic…
@zephyr1 anyway you can do a pin post or announcement or somethin of some kind?


Thanks for the clarification! =)

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I think it’s a good change and teams will be hapoy with it for what it’s worth

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I just reposted it here for more visibility: Alliance War Score Win/Loss History Limit Changed from 10 to 20