War reset queation

I know there have been other posts covering it, but I’m still a bit confused. The reset timers are supposed to be @ 6hrs, 8hrs, and 10hrs, making for a total of the 24hrs that a war spans, right? Okay, so with that being said, that means that unless you wipe the other team entirely triggering an early reset (which is the only way to get a 4th attack in), then you can expect the resets to happen at the 6hr mark, the 14hour mark, and the 24hr mark.

My question is, why is there even a reset at the 24hr mark if we won’t ever have an opportunity to attack if the war ends at exactly the same time?

Can someone maybe explain to me where my fault is in terms of my thinking or is the 24hr reset completely useless? Thanks.

As you mentioned yourself, the 3rd respawn can be reached with a wipeout of the entire team so its not completely useless.

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the max number of resets i can think of on a single target is 8 times (20 hours cooldown)

i just assumed 100% kill rate and the goal is the above

in practice it won’t happen because attacks fail and usually targets are distributed differently

Edit: it can be more than 9 actually but i am too sleepy to figure the max but i don’t think it can be over 10

8 is the correct one…

In 30 vs 30 (180 flags):
Destroy base A with 1 flag
Wait 6 hours
Destroy base A with 1 flag
Wait 8 hours
By this time, the time left is shortly under 10 hours, not enough for it to raise again without destroying all bases.
Destroy base A + 29 remaining bases with 30 flags
Destroy base A + 29 remaining bases with 30 flags
Destroy base A + 29 remaining bases with 30 flags
Destroy base A + 29 remaining bases with 30 flags
Destroy base A + 29 remaining bases with 30 flags
Destroy base A with 1 flag

By this time you have used 153 flags and destroyed base A 8 times. 27 remaining flags is not enough to destro 29 remaining bases for another reset.

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i was referring to a single focused target

imagine you are in a 2 vs 2 war
me and you on the same team

i will attack 1 target named T1 then i wait for it to revive again after 6 hours, then attack and wait 8 hours and then the same. at this time, the war time will be 10 hours left and the revive timer is 10 hours

i have 3 attacks left and you have 6 so you attack T2 for the reset

i have 3 now and you have 5 with a freash board total is 8 attacks left (4 more resets)

in 3 vs 3 it can be 9 i think

You were replying to deleted post. :sweat_smile:

See my post directly above yours for 30 vs 30. It seems you did not notice that I had already posted another post before you finished writting your reply.

In 3 vs 3 (18 flags):
Destroy base A with 1 flag
Wait 6 hours
Destroy base A with 1 flag
Wait 8 hours
By this time, the time left is shortly under 10 hours, not enough for it to raise again without destroying all bases.
Destroy base A + 2 remaining bases with 3 flags
Destroy base A + 2 remaining bases with 3 flags
Destroy base A + 2 remaining bases with 3 flags
Destroy base A + 2 remaining bases with 3 flags
Destroy base A + 2 remaining bases with 3 flags
Destroy base A with 1 flag

By this time you have used all 18 flags and destroy base A 8 times.

How can it be more than 6? Flags don’t respawn.

In 1 vs 1, max is 6
In 2 vs 2, max is 7
In 3 vs 3 to 30 vs 30, max is 8

See the illustration above.

It’s like
Wave 1: attack team A
Wait 6 hours
Wave 2: attack team A
Wait 8 hours
Wave 3: full reset
Wave 4: full reset
Wave 5: full reset
Wave 6: full reset
Wave 7: full reset
Wave 8: attack team A + use remaing flags.

Team A got attacked 8 times. The other team got attacked 5-6 times.

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Sorry, I’m not a clever man, but I can’t see how that math can work. You can only get one win from one flag. I agree that it is remotely possible to increase your score by directed early targeting but that has never worked against our alliance strategy.

I will make it simple, in 3 vs 3, we have 18 flags. 9 given at the beginning, 9 given at 12th hour mark.

Lets say there are 3 opponents: A B C

At the start of the war, use 1 flag to demolish A for the 1st time. Flags remaining = 9 - 1 = 8

Wait 6 hours untill A revive again.

Use 1 flag to demolish A for the 2nd time. Flags remaining = 8 - 1 = 7

Wait 8 hours until A revive again. After 6 hours, it is already pass 12th hour marks so 9 more flags are added. Flags remaining = 7 + 9 = 16

Note that after A revive again, the time left will be slightly less than 10 hours, so A won’t revive again unless you destroy all bases.
Use 1 flag to demolish A for the 3rd time and 2 flags to demolish B and C for the 1st time. Flags remaining = 16 - 1 - 2 = 13

Use 1 flag to demolish A for the 4th time and 2 flags to demolish B and C for the 2nd time. Flags remaining = 13 - 1 - 2 = 10

Use 1 flag to demolish A for the 5th time and 2 flags to demolish B and C for the 3rd time. Flags remaining = 10 - 1 - 2 = 7

Use 1 flag to demolish A for the 6th time and 2 flags to demolish B and C for the 4th time. Flags remaining = 7 - 1 - 2 = 4

Use 1 flag to demolish A for the 7th time and 2 flags to demolish B and C for the 5th time. Flags remaining = 4 - 1 - 2 = 1

Use 1 flag to demolish A for the 8th time. Flag remaining = 1 - 1 = 0

I understand that, it is usually a losing strategy. It relies on your opponent having shallow bench depth. However, the math remains the same; one flag only ever equals one win. It doesn’t matter when you use them. In fact, I’m my Alliance war team second lowest ranking member and they waste heavy hitters on me. It demoralises me but then they have wasted flags on me which is good for the Alliance as our strategy is blitzkrieg.

That was just assuming perfect hits. At most, a base can be demolished 8 times in a war, no more. Of course that is very hard to do.

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Okay, I didn’t know that the flags were given to you at the 12 hour mark. I thought they were given to you at the next reset. I think I got it, but since you seem to know exactly how it works, then maybe you can just confirm it for me:

If the reset timers are at the 6hr, 14hr, and 24hr marks and a war lasts exactly 24hrs, then I didn’t understand why there is even a reset at the 24hr mark, if you won’t even get to use it. I think I realized that it has to do 2 things.

  1. That realistically, you’re not going to get 1 win for every flag. Sometimes it takes 2 flags to kill another team, sometimes more (bad boards suck).


  1. It all depends on the strategy used for the war. For example, my alliance only chooses a select group of teams to kill, so we never force a reset. If all the targeted teams are dead, we simply wait for the reset timer so we can kill them again. The problem for me, is that often times I find myself with a bunch of flags at the end, but with no teams to attack (all targeted teams are dead). At that point, I understand that I just have to waste my flags on any of the teams that are left, regardless how much stronger they are, because I’m not going to see another reset until the 24hr mark, but at that very moment, the war ends, so I can’t use the flags.

So, the only possible way to see the 24 hour mark reset, is if we wipe the other team entirely at least once earlier in the war, is that right?

First of all, it is not reset. It is revive timer. 6 hours, 8 hours, and 10 hours.

Reset = destruction of all enemies’s base resulting in instant revive of all of them.

There is no way a base revive 3 times without any reset because 6+8+10 is 24, at the fastest, it is few seconds too late, the war is already over.

If you want a base to revive 3 times, you should at least make 1 reset. If you want a base to revive 4 times, you should at least make 2 reset. If you want a base to revive 5 times, you shouls at least make 3 reset. Our alliance usually make 3 reset.

Theoritically, a base can revive at most 7 times (which means can be destroyed 8 times) but it will need 5 reset, as I have explained in earlier posts. Note that this is not a winning strategy.

the revive timers are set the way they are so you’re forced to attack and defeat other bases to force a reset. you can hit the same target twice without triggering a reset, but if you want another shot at them, you’re going to have to defeat the rest of the team to do so.

i’m curious what your results are if you never force a reset.


Okay, I finally understand where the fault in my thinking was.

Prior to now, I thought the following:

  1. That the Revive Timers were the same thing as Reset timers.
  2. That these timers were set in stone, regardless of when the other army’s bases were destroyed.
    This is why I though of these timers as going off at designated times; at the 6 hour mark, at the 14 hour mark (8 hours later), and at the 24 hour mark (10 hours after that)
  3. That the entire other army would revive at the exact same time. Because of my Alliance’s strategy, in which we never force a reset, and since our attacks are all timed to be practically simultaneous, it always looked like the opponent’s army was “reset”, when it was simply the destroyed bases that were reviving.

I now understand that a reset and a revive are different. There actually are no reset timers, just revive timers and those revive timers are specific to each individual base and start when that base is destroyed. And the only way to reset the other army is to destroy all their bases.

Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. Much appreciated.

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Me too! We go for 4 resets and change as a general rule.

It’s actually quite a successful strategy. I can’t tell you the exact percentage, but I know that it’s rare that we lose. I shouldn’t say we “never” go for a reset, cuz I have seen it happen, but it’s rare, because it only happens at the very end. If there’s an army of say 20 bases, my Alliance’s leaders will choose about 10 of them, the ones that they calculate we have a good chance of killing with a single flag and that are also worth a decent amount of points, then they’ll update the war message letting us know which teams are on the kill list, e.g., “A1, A2, B1, B3, C3, D2, D4, E1” etc.

We then kill those teams and wait for a reset to kill them again, then again, after that, we will use the remainder of the flags to go after whatever bases are left. Lower level teams on our side are chosen for “cleanup crew” and saved for finishing off higher level enemy bases that have been damaged enough to be finished off by them. If, during that process, we somehow manage to kill the rest of their team, we will get that one reset and use the remainder of our flags on the kill list bases that have revived once again.

I haven’t seen it much though.

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How many is the average war points?

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I’m not sure to be honest. I never really paid much attention before. But it seems that the strategy they decided to use is one that has been posted in few War Strategies sites:

For instance, this is from playing2win.online:

"Farming” the weakest opposing teams as many times as possible, while minimizing the number of times that you have to take on strong opponent teams.

At start of war (0-2hrs) target the 5-10 weakest opponents,
After first wave of respawn (8-10hrs) take the same teams down again.
After second wave of respawn (16-18hrs) take down the same weak teams again.
After killing all weak enemies, proceed to target all other enemies, as you will no longer be able to farm the weak teams again, until you reset the board (by killing all opponent teams).

The benefits of doing this is to minimize attempts to take down strong teams, which will most likely take up multiple flags."