I have an alliance and in current war - only started about 4 hrs ago) and already there are 2 of my alliance mates that have had their defence tesms killed 2 times. My question is. What are the respawn times? After a defence team is defeated how long till they show again to be defeated again. They now have over 7 hrs before they respawn. So? How long was the 1st?
I believe the first respawn timer is 6 hours. However, every defense is forced to respawn if the whole board is cleared so some defenses can very much be killed twice under 4 hours. Even thrice if the opponents go full-force and play well.
After a war team is defeated for the first time the respawn is 6h. After the second time it is 8h, next time it is 10h, so it increases by 2h after every time.
A board clear forces the respawn to occur immediately.
So. Our strategy is to kill lower teams (say 7 about 1/2 the total enemy force) ) over and over. Than at the end flip the board and do again. Than u can get 3 kills on lower teams (1st hr when war starts - than 6hr into war - 14hr into war - than flip till end 24th hr so lower teams would be killed like 4 times higher teams 1 possibly 2 times.
This make sense. Use 1flag kills/ team to start ( weaker ones if u can).