Ameonna: Removal of dispellable and undispellable status effects now happens in the beginning of their Special Skill.
Can anyone explain what exactly does that mean? I can hardly understand the note.
Does Ameonna now remove the statuses once she fires, but can be buffed/debuffed under a ghost form? Or is this just some backend change, not really impacting the gameplay at all?
I actually don’t understand her purpose in the game. To me she’s just someone who hangs around a little longer when her “special powers” kick in.
Sounds like it was just card wording fix to make it similar to kage where he dispels before he hits and now she dispels herself before activating ghost form
Not a big change outside of wording i think.
Just my guess though.
She already dispelled her own dispellable/indispellable buffs
She is suited for hesitation teams in war, if you have 5 weak dark ones for mono team, you can try against far stronger opponents. If her spezial kicks you have 4 turns to win by tile damage. Worked for me when i had only a few reasonable teams some time ago. But thats her only use imo.
Can you give us any clue as to what the change is about? I mean saying your changing her special to what it already is, doesn’t tell us much or even make sense
No clue. Which is why i tagged petri. Wouldn’t be the first time update notes were poorly worded or typoed
Just be glad it has the right date…we think lol
If the wording is intentional, then my guess would be that it was included in the balance change category due to reshifting the order of events in her special skill, which for her is no change mechanically really but for any other hero would be a big change so they probly just lump all that junk into the same categories rather than separating on an individual case by case bases
In the report of changes rolling out it was probly “officially” considered a balance change though to us laymans it was just a rewording
She did remove them prior, I use her with Khiona against yellow titans, and everything is removed when she uses her skill (element link included).
@Rigs the fix (as I understand it) is that her special attack didn’t remove status effects at the beginning of her skill, as her card claimed it did. So that’s probably the bug fix. Not that it has any functional difference now, she still works the exact same way.
I’m going to take a shot in the dark here; my best guess for why they made this change, was probably because there was some kind of conflict with G. Chameleon’s color change status effect or G. Gazelle dance of spirits. They are heroes who also remove any status effect, undispellable or not from their enemies (Chameleon) or allies (Gazelle).
So that’s likely why they fixed Aemonna to remove anything first. It must’ve became apparent that she didn’t do so as the first step of her skill (as her card initially claimed) and it only became an issue recently.
Again, this does not affect how she currently works though. Previously, it made no difference whether she removed a status effect before or after, as her skill didn’t deal damage, so we would’ve never known if the order on how things happened was wrong previously.
EDIT: my guess above was confirmed to be true by Marv and Petri:
Ameonna has the highest time damage among purple 4* heroes (771). When she is in a ghost form her attack stat is 82% higher (940).
The only drawback is that her special lasts for 3 turns only and once you used purple tiles to charge her you have no more to hit with her increased attack.
Real drawback is, she can not have that high attack further buffed because she is immune to buffs. So Wu Kongs, Ranvirs, Mikis etc. have zero synergy with her. So in the place where the high tile damage really means more than anywhere, she’s really just holding back.