Vanda vs Lady Loki/ Tyr/ Russell?

Hey there,

I just pulled Costume Vanda While I imagine from what I’ve read already that the majority will say that she should be the next one to max, I like to check things at least one more time :slight_smile:

So, Vanda or other alternatives lile Lady Loki/ Tyr/ Russell/ Yang/ Khagan/ Baldur/ Elena/ Reuben?

My other maxed Fire 5* are Black Knight and Elizabeth.

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Vanda, specially if you do not have Garnet/Grazul.
Best for ofense and decent for defense, costume version with 3 turn protection is great.


Second vote for Vanda


I have Vanda (no costume) and take her everywhere. She gets my vote.

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Another vote for Vanda. Heal steal and ailment shield counter just a lot of heroes, especially at very fast speed when you can easily time it perfectly.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone! Vanda it is :slight_smile: