Untold tales - deadly challenge (poll}

Hello! What is the point of playing besides “test your own strength” if there are no coins first time you play it? So I made a poll to see who’s gonna play it regardless of coins. Happy gaming everyone!

  • I won’t play, I don’t see the point
  • I’ll play
  • I don’t know yet
  • I’ll play few levels when I’m bored

0 voters


I chose “will play few levels when bored”, I think I will play at least one to see if I like it. as of now though, I do not feel very excited about it… :slight_smile:


I am a sucker for completing missions/challenges/events, so yes I am sure I will do it, but I won’t prioritize it, it will depend on what else is going on but iw ill definitely try the first level as soon as it’s available so I can see exactly what it’s like.

Perhaps but if there is no reward, only if it’s free energy


Similar to Alliance Raids, you can have 5 or 10 flags per day, and it takes 1 flag (maybe 2 or 3 further down the line in later chapters), I think could be good, if it has no rewards immediately (3/5 coins I mean).

Will play, with curse the designer and programmer team, so bad, ain’t me?

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I play all missions, current untold tales are already completed. So I will play all deadly levels, especially if will be tough to complete. I like challenges.


So there won’t be any coins for completing levels? If that’s the case, I’ll likely use it for resources and xp but it won’t be a priority to complete

I’m betting there will be some other carrot… like increased Exp/WE or raised drop levels of particular crafting/ascention materials.

If not Untold Tales Coins, I’d be fine if they gave roughly x50 coins of the other Maps every few stages or EHTs, an increase to mats (ascension or crafting). They’d need something to really incentivize me to give it a glance.

But I also hope whatever the “challenge” is, it’s not something like the Oxygen bar knocks down faster (every 2 turns rather than 3 and hits the debuffing after 4 or 5 to 6 turns). The events that cycle on the Quest menu are enough.

I want coins for deadly levels!


same here, I will hunt for offered Avatars :slight_smile: