đŸ§Ș Early Information on Untold Tales Chapters & Gameplay [Part of The Beta Beat V58]

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Untold Tales (Mysteries of the Deep) Provinces and Gameplay.

For information and discussion on the Untold Tales HEROES, please see:

For information and discussion on the Untold Tales SUMMON PORTAL, please see:

  • Not arrived to Beta yet.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

The launch date for Untold Tales is unknown yet

Untold Tales Chapters


The Untold Tales is accessable if you click on the Untold Tales.

Instead of a Map it is just like a Stage List.
The Stage list consist of 6 Chapters, and each chapters contains 28 stages.

Normal, Hard and Deadly Modes

Instead of 2 there are 3 modes: Normal, Hard and Deadly
Deadly is currently not available in Beta.

As in earlier seasons you need to complete the Normal version of the stage before you can access the Hard version of it.

You can only complete stages in order.

The Hard mode is functions like Season 3 or 4 so you must complete previous hard stages first to play the current level.


The enemies does not have any resistance, and just the bosses have Special Skills.

WE Costs

The WE Costs for Untold Stories appear comparable to Season 2, 3, 4 and 5.

First stage need 6 WE on Normal, and 10 on Hard.

Untold Tales Coins

Also like Season 2 & 3 & 4, & 5 the first time a Stage is completed on Normal and Hard, a reward is given in Untold Stories Coins — which are just like Atlantis / Valhalla / Underwild / Dunes Coins, but for Untold Tales.

Just the same as Season 2 & 3 & 4 & 5, Normal Mode Stages reward 3 Untold Tales Coins, and Hard Mode Stages reward 5 Untold Tales Coins — and there appear to be 28 Stages per Chapter, so you can earn 224 Untold Tales coins per Chapter.

Also like Atlantis/ Valhalla Underwild / Dunes Coins, 100 Untold Tales Coins are required for a free pull in Untold Tales Summon.

Deadly difficulty will not give any Untold Tales Coins based on the tooltip of Untold Tales:

Stage Properties

Deep Underwater

At the top there is an Oxigen meter, which decreased after every normal tile movement.
If you match a Dragon or a Nautilus Shells (which appear instead of Power Shields), then the Oxigen bar increases significantly.

Reaching 75% gives this undispellable effect to all enemies for 1 turn:

  • Heal 3% of deat normal damages.

Reaching 50% gives this undispellable effect to all enemies for 1 turn:

  • +10% attack.

Reaching 25% gives this undispellable effect to all allies for 1 turn:

  • -5% accuracy

After you reach 0% in all turns your heroes get some damage (80 at hard level), and one of your heores get this ailment for 2 turns:

  • Automatically cast Mindless Attack on a random ally at the start of a turn.

At treshold changes all effects are activated, which are already passed at higher levels.

Power Nautilus Shells

Matching these shields gives these dispellable effects:

  • Ice: +10% mana generation for 2 turns to all allies.
  • Nature: +20% attack for 2 turns to all allies.
  • Fire: +30% defense for 2 turns to all allies.
  • Holy: -10% attack for 2 turns to all enemies.
  • Dark: -20% defense against Special Skills for 2 turns to all enemies.

:warning: I know there are 2 turns here. So this or the previous description is incorrect in the game.


Not visible yet

Chapter Properties

Stage Effect Number Province Name
Deep Underwater 1-10 1 The Atlantean Games

:link: Related topics


thanks as always @PlayForFun ! for all that you do

ok, that is a LOT!

and here I thought “Impossible” was bad enough!

yeah, this is just a big BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for me. I’m not surprised anymore, but it suuuuure would have been nice if we could earn those Atlantis / Valhalla etc. coins too

on the flip side, I guess at least if I pull here
 I can expect only to be disappointed by S1 heroes, not by dupes of S2/S3 etc. heroes

OK, this will do wonders for my anxiety lol

the completionist in me says: oh JOY, more avatars to farm for
 I hope not :stuck_out_tongue:


Do you have any information if there will be any other special reward for completing the “deadly” stages (like maybe aethers, high amounts of food/iron, or at least an avatar at the end) when it doesn’t give us summoning coins. Otherwise, there is little incentive to use lots of battle items and maybe also high amounts of WE flags.


@TomSnow there may be coins for deadly but it is unavailable, so guess we will find out when it is.added.


According to this information there will definitely be no coins. So, either there is some other good reward(directly or after finishing all 28 deadly stages) or it’s just some crazy hard level with normal loot (but maybe an exclusive avatar). Maybe we will know more when the next beta build comes out :thinking:


No coins for deadly? Then why would ppl even bother to play
 come on SG
 you can keep it at 5 coins per stage, but you need to give us something.


How much oxigen is depleted each turn?

I think Deadly will be like Impossible for Tower. Minus dem coins. Throw in Trainers or Items. Plus the usual ham and iron, & recruits. Avatar is likely at D-28.

I would happy if using the summon using Atlantis coins.

And during the Untold period, ori S2 heroes could be summoned and joining Classics as the base rate.

While during AR, only old (let’s said after 6 months launched) could be summoned.

I was waiting impatiently for news about Untold tales and now I’m not so excited about it as I was.
First of all - why do we need new coins? If this chapter of tales is about Atlantis, give Atlantis coins for completing stages and add new heroes to Atlantis portal.
The alternative is to give both Untold tales coins and Atlantis coins. Normal and Hard mode can give Untold tales coins while Deadly mode can give i.e. 10 Atlantis coins for each stage.
The fact that Deadly mode does not give any coins is very discouraging for me. I know, “it is to test your strength”, but I want something more for just taking key heroes like Wilbur, Proteus, Waddles, Gullinbursti and playing one stage for about 5-10 minutes. I tested my strenght during CoE, CoK and while beating all 5 seasons, I think I’m good.
SG, don’t be stingy and give us more coins. More coins doesn’t mean more 5* heroes and summons are fun.


How about summon portal? Beside untold heroes, what season heroes will also be present?

We know nothing about the portal at the moment.


I stopped playing 1 week ago, but following up, what happens in the game. I thought i might be come back for untold tales. Reading about the new portal, deadly mode without coins stc. I lost all of my interest in this game.
I expected these tales will give atlantis, valhalla etc. coins respectively without having new portal/heroes.
Shame on you, SG


@Petri you should really consider renaming 3rd difficulty ‘Deadly’ into ‘Cotton’ to better resemble reality. Reality, where players in this difficulty will go to cotton plantation (called here by the name Chapters), work hard, get nothing in exchange, and will be happy to get away alive.


This seems to describe quite well the whole gameplay, given the ridicolously low odds of summoning good heroes and the difficulty of obtaining coins after completing the seasons

there’s one special stage i particularly despise and that’s the underwater one. Of course the first special stages of the “new season” are improved underwater. I hate this.

Is there any info, what will deadly mode give if not for coins? Thanks :slight_smile:

No, there is no information about it,

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It seems the Atlantis portal and this portal will run in paralel.


Is this going to be in place of Season 6, or will we get a new Season (with map) in a few months?