🧪 Early Information on Untold Tales 2 Chapters & Gameplay [Part of The Beta Beat V71]

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Untold Tales 2 Provinces and Gameplay.

For information and discussion on the Untold Tales 2 HEROES, please see:

For information and discussion on the Untold Tales 2 SUMMON PORTAL, please see:

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

The launch date for Untold Tales 2 is unknown yet

Untold Tales 2 Chapters


The Untold Tales 2 is accessable if you click on the Untold Tales, and it is bellow the “Mysteries of the Deep” button.

Instead of a Map it is just like a Stage List.
The Stage list consist of 6 Chapters, and each chapters contains 28 stages.

Normal, Hard and Deadly Modes

Instead of 2 there are 3 modes: Normal, Hard and Deadly
Deadly is currently not available in Beta.

As in earlier seasons you need to complete the Normal version of the stage before you can access the Hard version of it.

You can only complete stages in order.

The Hard mode is functions like Season 3 or 4 so you must complete previous hard stages first to play the current level.


The enemies does not have any resistance, and just the bosses have Special Skills.

WE Costs

The WE Costs for Untold Stories 2 appear comparable to Season 2, 3, 4 and 5.

First stage need 6 WE on Normal, and 10 on Hard.

Untold Tales Coins

Also like Season 2 & 3 & 4, & 5 the first time a Stage is completed on Normal and Hard, a reward is given in Untold Stories Coins — which are just like Atlantis / Valhalla / Underwild / Dunes Coins, but for Untold Tales.
These are the same coins which are usable for already released Untold Tales 1 too.

Just the same as Season 2 & 3 & 4 & 5, Normal Mode Stages reward 3 Untold Tales Coins, and Hard Mode Stages reward 5 Untold Tales Coins — and there appear to be 28 Stages per Chapter, so you can earn 224 Untold Tales coins per Chapter.

Also like Atlantis/ Valhalla Underwild / Dunes Coins, 100 Untold Tales Coins are required for a free pull in Untold Tales 2 Summon.

Deadly difficulty will not give any Untold Tales Coins based on the tooltip of Untold Tales 2:

Stage Properties

Evolving Runic Rocks

Runic Rock Effects:

Matching these shields gives these dispellable effects:

  • Ice: 159 Frost damage per turn for 3 turns for all enemies. (318 when charged)
  • Nature: Boost health by 104 HP per turn. (208 when charged.)
  • Dark:159 Poison damage per turn for 3 turns for all enemies. (318 when charged)
  • Fire: 159 Burn damage per turn for 3 turns for all enemies. (318 when charged)
  • Holy: +30% mana generation for 3 turns for all allies. (+55% when if empowered)

Myrkheim Tundra


Missions are avaliable Untold Tales 2, but right now they are just placeholders and match with Untold Tales 1.
Missions are now available

Story Mission name Reward
Complete treasures of the Flame and Frost 300 Untold Tales Coin, 2x Epic Troop Token + Avatar
Most likely there is a mission for Hard difficulty too.
Enemies Mission name Reward
Defeat Untold Tales II Enemies I
Defeat 250 Engulfed Dwarf Rangers
There are more mission for further enemies.
Boss Mission name Reward
Defeat Untold Tales II Bosses I
Defeat RahĂłh 40 Times
There are more mission for further bosses.
Stages Mission name Count Reward
Complete Treasures of the Flame and Frost Stages
Complete Chapter Stages in Untold Tales II
420 20 Gems

Chapter Properties

Stage Effect Number Chapter Name
Evoling Runic Rocks 1 The Long Road to Nidavellir
Evoling Runic Rocks 2 Flamekissed Fields
Evoling Runic Rocks 3 In the Hall of the Dwarven King
Evoling Runic Rocks + Myrkheim Tundra 4 Trail of the Brother
? 5 As The Cold Earth Slept Below
? 6 Golden Gilded Hearts

:link: Related topics

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Ah so season 3 is finally getting the untold tales treatment

Looking forward to something new… and of course, lots of new heroes :wink:

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:warning: This message contains spoilers, if you want to have surprise in actual game, don’t read the bellow :warning:

Loki finds Elena, Richard and Vivica and shows them to his friend- Regin, who have a family quarrel, because father of Regin wants to disinherit her, and her siblings. He’s collecting gold for ages. They’re giving our main charactes the task to steal the gold from her dad, assuring them that they are doing it for a good purpose
The rest of the plot will be added when I’ll do levels

Had to use Google Translate for a few words :sweat_smile:

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Beta update:
Chapter 4 and Mission information is added.

A post was merged into an existing topic: :green_book: Untold Tales 2 (Treasures of the Flame and Frost) – FAQ & Links

@PlayForFun shouldn’t this thread be closed now& that one post above merged to the master thread?

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Yes, thx. I have closed the topic.

Discussion can be continued here: