📗 Untold Tales 2 (Treasures of the Flame and Frost) – FAQ & Links

:spiral_calendar: Untold Tales 2 Schedule

Untold Tales is set to premiere in December 2024: 2024-12-03T07:00:00Z2024-12-07T07:00:00Z

:hammer: Untold Tales Coins

The first time a Stage is completed in Normal and Hard difficulty, a reward is given in Untold Tales Coins — which are just like Atlantis/ Valhalla/Underwild/Dunes Coins, but for Untold Tales
There will be a Deadly difficulty (which will not be available at start), but it will not give Untold Tales Coin for first completion.

Just the same as Season 2-5, Normal Mode Stages reward 3 Untold Tales Coins, and Hard Mode Stages reward 5 Untold Tales Coins — and there are 28 Stages per Chapter, so it’ll be the same 224 Coins per Chapter.

Also like Atlantis/ Valhalla/Underwild/Dunes Coins, 100 Untold Tales Coins are required for a free Untold Tales 2 Summon.

:mount_fuji: Stage Properties

In Untold Tales 2 there are Stage Properties which applies to stages in Untold Tales 2 Map .*

Stage Effects

Stage Effect Number Chapter Name
Evoling Runic Rocks 1 The Long Road to Nidavellir
Evoling Runic Rocks 2 Flamekissed Fields
Evoling Runic Rocks 3 In the Hall of the Dwarven King
Evoling Runic Rocks + Myrkheim Tundra 4 Trail of the Brother
? 5 As The Cold Earth Slept Below
? 6 Golden Gilded Hearts

Evolving Runic Rocks

Click for Details

Runic Rock Effects:

Matching these shields gives these dispellable effects:

  • Ice: 159 Frost damage per turn for 3 turns for all enemies. (318 when charged)
  • Nature: Boost health by 104 HP per turn. (208 when charged.)
  • Dark:159 Poison damage per turn for 3 turns for all enemies. (318 when charged)
  • Fire: 159 Burn damage per turn for 3 turns for all enemies. (318 when charged)
  • Holy: +30% mana generation for 3 turns for all allies. (+55% when if empowered)

Myrkheim Tundra

Click for Details

Event specific Hero Skills

Firestorm Ward and Frostfall Ward

Click for Details

Firestorm Strike and Frostfall Strike

Click for Details

:link: Links

Gameplay Strategy & Storyline

Summoning & Offers

:superhero: :woman_superhero: Heroes

There are two different realms: Nidavellir and Myrkheim




Beta Information

Announcements & Discussion

  • N / A

I can’t remember: was untold tales 1 completely unlocked when it started or did we have the same chapter by chapter unlock we seem to get now?

It was a staged release, i can’t remember if it was only 1 at a time or was it 3 at a time.

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It was released 1 chapter by 1 chapter.

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So basically we need to wait 6 months until we can complete it? :frowning: The completionist inside me cries :smiley:

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Untold Summon Portal with Valhalla heroes?

This is a joke right? Or a bug?

What makes this a joke or a bug? This is expected by me (although not in the exact way they did it).

Why is the 3* the representative of this chapter. Shouldn’t it be regin?

Where are the Chapter 3 new levels? Are we not getting them this time?


My question exactly. Was surprised no chapter 3 stages with the portal being open. They had new stages the previous two times it opened.

SGG calendar has this entry:

  • 2025-01-26T07:00:00Z2025-01-30T07:00:00Z: Untold Tales 2 :blue_book:

No explanation as to why Chapter 3 says “Coming soon!”

Was kind of hoping there would be news here about the lock. Hope it’s just an oversight that they’ll clear up in the morning.

We will see tomorrow.
Anyway earlier today I have sent them a question about the new Chapter to mod chat:

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Is it intended that the Molten Core’s corrosive burn replaces and is replaced by regular burn effects? Seems very odd to me.

Is it intended that this version of Untold Tales do not give coins when we find these

clams? I’ve found 6 so far and nothing but small crates of ham or a couple of emblems.

Is this intended? If so, its a good thing i haven’t bothered with auto farming or using loot tickets.

What is with the loot from this event?