🧪 Early Information on Round 3 of Untold Tales 2 Heroes - Dagr [Part of The Beta Beat v72]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the initial release of the Round 3 of Untold Tales 2 Heroes - Dagr.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:tophat: Untold Tales Heroes

There are a total of one (1) new hero added to Beta for testing; these have been indicated to be for Untold Tales 2.

*The names of the new heroes are:
Legendary: Dagr

:hugs: Realm Bonus


Firestorm Ward

Firestorm Strike

This is similar effect what we have for Owl heroes. (Moonrise Damage.)

  • Base damage reduction [half of the maximum].
  • Damage scales depending on the defender’s defense and the attacker’s attack power.
  • Maximum damage reduction: [maximum]
  • Minimum damage reduction: [25% of the maximum]
  • Growth and Wither affect damage reduction scaling.
  • Buffs and status ailments affecting attack and defense do not affect damage reduction scaling.

5 :star: – Legendary Heroes

  • Dagr - Dwarvden Mountain Shaman

Dagr – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male
Power: 1112

Attack: 1165
Defense: 1050
HP: 2041

Class: Cleric
Element: :leaves: Nature (Green)

Mana Speed: Average
Realm: Nidavellir
Aether Power: Dodge

Passive: Empowered Resist Burn
This character has innate resistance against Burn and gains 450 boosted heath and 5% mana each time they resist.

Passive: Molten Core
This character has a Molten Core.
The Molten Core activates each time this character’s Special Skill is cast:

  • All enemies receive Corrosive Burn for 3 turns. With fully charged Molten Core, the Corrosive Burn deals 233Burn damage, and lowers the target’s defense by -10% each turn.
  • The Burn damage is scaled by the amount of charge in the Core. All charge is exhausted when the Core is activated.

Special Skill: Blazing Venom

  • Attacks all enemies with Firestorm Strike, dealing up to 1180 damage. Deals 40% more if the target is of the Nature element. This attack never misses its targets.
  • Damage bypasses target’s Minions.
  • All enemies receive 372 Poison damage over 4 turns.
  • All enemies reveive +45% increased damage from Burn and Poison status ailments for 4 turns.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • November 06, 2024 – added for first look testing.

:link: Related Threads

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Soooo, if the the DoTs from this hero stick, it should be around 479 HP per turn on top of the upfront damage.

Poison 98 HP/turn +45% = 142 HP/turn for four turns
Burn 233 HP/turn + 45% = 337 HP/turn for three turns (if core is fully charged)

Not sure how much the poison will scale with LBs but in today’s high HP, superb passives (resists and immunities) and incredible specials this hero feels hamstrung before release since so much is concentrated in the passives and core.

Would attack this with Gargoyles and have immunity to both burn and poison, a bit of softskin and I don’t know that this is better than the owls in spite of being much newer.

The defense down is nice (scaling, 3 turns) and extra damage vs nature should make for a good attacking hero in the right circumstances. The heal and mana from attempted burns will come in handy. Shame I don’t see Emilio on defense any more.