📗 [MASTER] Portal Stats & Summon Results – Untold Tales 2 (Treasures of Flame and Frost)

Portal image will be added.

This thread is for information and discussion on the Untold Tales 2 Summon Portal, and sharing Summon Results.

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

For specific start / end dates, check out the calendar for the month. Or the digital_calendar for a longer forecast.

Start Time End Time Duration
Tuesday 07:00 UTC Saturday 07:00 UTC 4 days

:man_superhero: Featured Heroes

Each Month there are three (3) featured heroes. As yet, there is no clear pattern to accurately forcast who will be the future Featured Heroes.

In the first occurence these heroes are expected to be featured: Gand, Ott, Regin

When a more reliable pattern is known, this section may (?) be updated to include a forecast.

For links to all the various hero information & discussion threads, please make use of this directory:

📗 Untold Tales 2 (Treasures of the Flame and Frost) – FAQ & Links

Available Heroes (in the first event)

Untold Tales Portal currently includes the following Heroes:

  • All of the Season 1 Classic Heroes

  • The list of available Seaosn 3 heroes heroes:

    • Legendary:
      • Alfrike + Costume
      • Baldur, + Costume
      • Gefjon + Costume
      • Lord Loki + Costume
      • Skadi + Costume
    • Epic:
      • Almur + Costume
      • Fura + Costume
      • Jott
      • Sumle
    • Rare:
      • Jarvur
      • Nordri + Costume
      • Sudri
  • New Untold Tales 2 heroes

    • Legendary
      • Dulafulr
      • Gandr
      • Ott
      • Regin
    • Epic
      • Fjalar
    • Rare
      • Heigi

:game_die: Untold Tales 2 Portal Appearance Rates

Classic Season 1 Heroes

  • Rare Classic Hero: 29.6%
  • Epic Classic Hero: 11.9%
  • Legendary Classic Hero: 0.9%

Season 3 Heroes

  • Rare Season 3 Hero: 29.3%
  • Epic Season 3 Hero: 8.9%
  • Legendary Season 3 Hero: 0.4%

Untold Tales 2 Heroes

  • Rare Untold Tales 2 Hero: 12.1%
  • Epic Untold Tales 2 Hero: 5.7%
  • Legendary Untold Tales 2 Hero (non featured): 0.4%
  • Legendary Featured Untold Tales 2 Hero: 1.0%

Costume included if available.
Included Season 3 Heroes are from Joutheim, Muspelheim and Svartalheim Realms.


  • Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

:dizzy: Bonus Ascension Material Chest


Much like the Season II (Atlantis) and Season III (Valhalla) and Season IV (Underwild) and Season V (Dunes) Summon Portals, The Untold Tales 2 Summon features a Bonus Ascension Material Chest, which contains a guaranteed Rare or Epic Ascension Material, and can also contain Rare and Epic Crafting Materials.

Also, like Atlantis/ Valhalla/Underwild/Dues, the Bonus Chest fills with each 10 Summons, and there is a limit of 12 Chests per event.

Your progress towards the next chest also carries over to the next Dunes Summon event if you still have chests in stock, just like with the Atlantis / Valhalla / Underwild Summon.

:gem: Summon Costs


The Summon Costs for the Untold Tales 2 Portal match the Atlantis & Valhalla & Underwild & Dunes Portals:

  • Single Summon: 100 Untold Tales Coins or 350 Gems
  • Summon x10: 3000 Gems
  • Summon x30: 8400 Gems

:hammer: Untold Tales Coins

The first time a Stage is completed, a reward is given in Untold Tales Coins (same coin what we can get in Untold Tales 1) — which are just like Atlantis/ Valhalla/Underwild Coins, but for Untold Tales.

Just the same as Season 2 & 3 & 4, Normal Mode Stages reward 3 Dunes Coins, and Hard Mode Stages reward 5 Untold Tales Coins — and there are 10 Stages per Province, so it’ll be the same 80 Coins per Province that Season 2 & 3 & 4 had.

Also like Atlantis/ Valhalla/Underwild Coins, 100 Untold Tales Coins are required for a free Untold Tales Summon or Untold Tales 2 Summon.

:link: Related Threads


What a pity


No 600 gem offers! :smirk:

Hope that offer has not been removed from UTI.


And the flasks :disappointed:

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Pulled Ott on my 20th pull. Pretty happy about it honestly, he looks good

Then the bonus chest provided me a tome to go with him

Edit: did two more pulls and got a 2nd one


Something good :smiley:


What happened here? Same offer, one for 30€, the other one for 35€. Pay more and get less? :thinking:


The offers in the Zynga shop are always equal or better than the offers ingame.

  1. You can either buy them more often
  2. They are a bit cheaper
  3. they have more items or gems inside

Ideally it’s a combination of those 3. (Cyber Monday or Last Days of Black Friday the offers were way way better in the Zyngashop) If I decide to spend I always check the Zyngashop first and compare the offer to the ingame offers.

Going through the Zyngashop cuts out apple or android as they get a percentage out of the ingame offer sales. Giving cheaper and or better deals in the zynga-shop should be more rewarding for the player hence the better/bigger deals.

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Google Play/Apple Store fees, nothing out of the ordinary. They do the same on many offers.

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I know that WS are usually better, but 5€ difference seems a bit much… And I have also never seen a price like 35€… it’s always like 34,99€. I think there’s a mistake.

Checked mine. Both at SG$39.98, and both includes applicable sales tax.

Could it be the WS price for you is before applicable taxes ?

If you add in sales tax, would it be 5.00 more ?

I also find it odd that the IAP price is 35.00. Usually ends in 0.99.

It’s a common marketing tactic.

No, taxes are already included and this is the first time I am experiencing such a price difference. All other offers have the same price as ingame.

strange that untold 2 hero’s is not related to S3 heros like it was with first addition of untold heroes and S2 heroes
@PlayForFun can you maybe check if is intended when you are free

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Hmmm… it’s definitely unusual.

I would send in a tix to CS to flag this unusual differential pricing.

WS is still cheaper. I would buy WS anyway if I am interested in this offer.

Maybe that price differential is to drive all traffic to WS. :laughing:

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it seems the update offers for untold 2

it was from beginning strange that 4 day event have 3 days offers :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:🫨

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This game loves to laugh at me