Trying to create a great defense for raids and possibly wars

I am trying put together a great defense, but I keep having emblem issues. Here are my 5* heroes that I am dealing with.

Jabberwock (monk), Sartana (wizard), Kage (Barb), Freya (Druid), Clarissa (Paladin), and Hel (wizard)

Joon (monk), Leo (monk), Delilah (fighter), Poseidon (Fighter), Malosi (Barb)

Misandra (fighter), Richard (paladin), Raffaele (monk), Isarina (wizard), and Magni (fighter)

Heimdall (Paladin), Lianna (Ranger), Ratatoskr (monk), Telluria (Paladin) , Elkanen (cleric) and Kadilen (druid)

Tyr (Fighter), Elena (Fighter), Azlar with costume (barb, costume is Paladin), JF (wizard) and Khagan (Ranger).

I went with Heimdall and he’s fully leveled with some emblems, so while Telluria would have been a better choice, it’s going to be a bit before I go in that direction.

Here’s the best I could come up with. Sartana, Joon, Misandra/Magni, Heimdall and Azlar with costume. Or Kage, Joon, Misandra/Magni, Heimdall and JF.

Poseidon - Jean-François - Heimdall - Misandra - Jabberwock

Misandra without Emblems, Telluria at tank once she will be available.

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