It’s really frustrating sometimes. Most of the times a have the best score in my alliance and very often second or third or even lower then that scores get best rewards then me.
Rewards should me according the score you have
Players will me more in to it for sure
What to you guys think?
Everyone fighting for that top spot, meanwhile it’s dead before 10 people get a chance to hit it. I hate the idea.
I agree with @Chadmo, that would be a terrible idea that would tear apart alliances. Titans should be shared among members, not competing against each other. There shouldn’t be an incentive to screw over your teammates.
A much better idea is to increase titan loot in general and release 15-16* Titans
Yes but a lot of players are just coattailing making 100k damage and then just wait for the responsible ones to finish it
But the idea with 15-16* is god to
I don’t know what level titan you are hitting and can’t really speak for how it is done in lower level alliances, but I can give you some insight into how it works in higher alliances and show you why the current format is better than your suggestion:
In top alliances there are 30 members and a 14* Titan has 5,720,000 HP. That works out to ~190K damage per member. Anyone in a top 100 alliance could easily hit for over 200K damage. When you have multiple members hitting for over 200K, it takes away points from others. If someone does 800K damage, someone else is going to lose rewards. When the loot odds are the same for an A grade or B grade there is no incentive for people to overhit and it is easier to get members to cooperate and share damage.
Most top alliances will have a cap on titan hits around 200K until a certain amount of time is left (usually 8-12 hours) This gives every member a chance to hit for loot and time to replenish flags for next titan. After the time limit passes, then it is usually free for all and people can hit for as much damage as they want to kill it. Some members may not get loot, but at least they had a reasonable amount of time to get a hit in before it dies.
Titan problems usually involve people doing too much damage. Your situation is the opposite with people not doing enough damage. In that case, maybe you should either: 1) look for another alliance with members closer to your level that will do more damage; or 2) Save your battle items and hit at the same level as your mates and if it’s not enough to kill titan then others will have to step up and do more or you can call in a merc to help finish it off (there’s always people in gen chat available to help kill a titan)
We are hitting 14* titans but the thing half of the alliance in coattailing
Maybe that’s why I am a little frustrated
Unless you go into a top 100-200 alliance, you are going to have weaker player that don’t hit as hard. If you are having to use a lot of battle items or flasks, then 14 star titans may be shooting a little high. As long as all alliance members are hitting the titan, not a whole lot more you can do
Titan rewards are not random.
Always are a crap.
Usually it’s C-grade damage that gets the best loot. It sounds dumb, but someone from a top-100 alliance told me that once - I targeted that number based on titan HP and sure enough I got great loot.
Dumping tons and tons of battle items and doing millions in damage to get top rank rarely makes a difference, if ever. I’m only speaking for my own experiences, no one else’s.
Edit: I’ve replicated C-grade damage too many times to count, it wasn’t a 1-time thing ok
Nobody obliges you to be the first… save all those resources…
You already know you will get nothing, relax on those attacks… they give you nothing apart of frustation
Random crap maybe?
If you compare the A+ (only one)with the best of the many C’s, the odds are that that C will have better loot. If you compare A+ with a randomly selected C, A+ will get better loot most of the time.
That said, in my experience the difference between A and C loot is kinda small and given that titans are alliance ‘missions’, that’s how it should be.
That’s a very logical and fair take. I didn’t consider the comparison you mentioned.
Thank yous
IDK why it only put 2 words in my quote reply XDDD
Je suis bien d accord que les récompenses titan c est nimporte quoi ça sert a rien de faire des scores les derniers ont de meilleures récompenses. Il serait préférable que les gains soient les memes pour tous au lieu d attribuer des daubes au hasard. SG ferait mieux de s interesser a tous les joueurs au lieu de privilégier ceux qui lachent leur paie dans le jeu