Estimates of alliance score required for Titans

Hi all, has anyone ever created an estimate of required alliance strength for different levels of Titans?

Alternatively, how long does it approx. take before an alliance typically becomes comfortable at a level of Titan?

I’m trying to manage expectations within the alliance, as we’re currently easily able to kill 4* titans, but only 1/3 of 5* titans.

I imagine there are a number of variables in this, but I was hoping that Alliance Score might provide a rough guide. Does anyone have any insight?

Alliance score is a combination of cups and titan score. Some people like to raid, some don’t, so from your perspective cups is not a good measure for titan performance and acts as noise.

Growth speed very much depends on how actively your people play the game and how much they spend. I wouldn’t think you can extrapolate growth from other alliances growth speed.

If your people is not happy with alliance progress, maybe find out why. Do everyone hit the titan often enough? Is there a stable increase in average performance? Do you share titan hit videos/advices to help less experienced people?

If for example example there is a big difference between people in causality level or spending, that sometimes triggers tension within an alliance.

Good luck with 5*s!

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Thanks SDR.

We’re making conscious efforts to give everyone a go at the 4* titans, and to give help and support, but the main problem is, as you point out, the disparity between the stronger teams and the less developed ones.

We’re trying to bring everyone along, but 5* seems to be a real turning point in difficulty level. Less developed teams are pretty much pointless, and they are prone to one hit death - which I imagine is pretty frustrating.

Thanks again.

If anyone has this information, we could use your assistance in filling out the Titan Score portion of the wiki. :slight_smile:

It is much more complicated than I imagined. For example, green 5* titans can be killed every time by our alliance within 12 hours.

But Blue and Yellow 5* titans have never been killed.

It appears that alliance squad makeup is a variable we aren’t going to be able to get over - unless I notice a strength when we can kill all colours! I’l come back in a month or so and see if I can offer any greater insight on alliance development.

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