Well hello, @Duaneski ! Fancy seeing you around these parts.
Nice to have you back on the Forum.
I’m traveling on vacation at the moment, so paradoxically my free time for the Forum is reduced at the moment. Weird, I know, but that’s how it’s working out.
Because of that, I haven’t had a chance to read your updated post yet, and probably won’t have a chance for a few days — but I wanted to reply in the meantime to at least not ignore you.
At a first glance: I’d say it could use some headers and visual breakup to make the content more digestible.
Human brains are lazy by nature, tied to our evolution to survive; we ignore what we can, and look for outliers that may be important.
Using varies text/header sizes, horizontal lines, collapsing blocks, and images can all help with that — @Kerridoc gave some of the basics of formatting possible on the Forum a while ago.
I’d be happy to help with that when I have some time, and encourage you to take a crack in the meantime at further refining the formatting.