šŸŽ… Tinsel -- 5* Ice / Blue from Santa's Challenge (Winter)

C Perseus is good because heā€™s a fast blue EDD, so he can charge at the same time as the other fast blue heroes

Frida canā€™t do that

And Iā€™m sad because my best blue EDDis still Nordri


I have her and also C Finley. Who would you say is the better one to ascend?

Sheā€™s guaranteed to hit 3, Iā€™d level tinsel.


I pulled her using a single EHT earned from one of the stage quest.

The question is that I donā€™t have enough mats for level her

I would like SGG to give us more accessible ways to get ascension mats frequently

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So I got Tinsel, and it just so happens that I recently levelled Guan Yu and Dr. Moreau to 3/70. To me it seems like Tinsel is a combination of these characters bringing both -def and -acc, making them irrelevant at least for my defence team.

Oh well, I guess Iā€™m gonna find if a team consisting of Mother North-Tinsel-Freya-Jove-someone is any good for defence.

Very good defense unless someone has Ogima or Grimble :wink:

Do not overlook guan yu. With minion teams out his ability to bypass and add uncleansable defense down is insane. Remember, tinsel needs tiles for max effect or sheā€™s kind of just ok. Iā€™ve been playing with Roz and she needs 6 green tiles to hit 3. Itā€™s not super easy to get those tiles. I would assume the same for tinsel.

Now mind you, if I got her, Iā€™d level her. And to be fair, sheā€™s probably a bit better on defense with that tile dependency. But do not discredit guan yu. Good luck.


Guan Yu has better -def potential and itā€™s uncleansable, but on defence youā€™ll have to rely on the attacker being dumb enough to bring minions against him. Are minions on the attacking team even a thing? I can see Guan Yu better used as an offensive hero.

With Tinsel you are betting on the board, which we kind of always do anyway, so Iā€™d rather take my chances with her.

Got to say Tinsel with Pengi & Glenda is doing serious work for me.

I also managed to snag Krampus after I ascended Tinsel and he will be next to run this as a 3-2 with Krampus replacing Glenda (who I took from a different warteam). You get those 9 blue tiles and itā€™s going to be game over I would say.

Still trying to get Krampusā€™s costume but landed a dupe Tinsel instead. Now that sheā€™s been out a month, anyone with more feedback on her? Trying to see if itā€™s worth ascending a dupe :thinking:


She s great, even without def down she still does pretty decent damage, if you lack blue multihitters you can max the dupe. Toghether with the rigth heroes she can offer you multiple options at fast speed

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Btw, whereā€™s Tinselā€™s passive? Usually the new heroes has had a passive, Holly donā€™t have too :flushed:

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How would you combine Tinsel with Guardian Hippo on defence? Seems difficult to find positions for them where they are not next to each other, both being blue. The best I can think of is Tinsel at left wing and Hippo as tank, but that would be wasting 1 minion from Tinsel. I guess thatā€™s acceptable, since the Christmas minions are weak.

Got her today in covenant portal.Think sheā€™ll pair very well with my C2-Magni both at fast speed.


I would not put Hippo as tank.
Use Hippo as left wing, and Tinsel as right flank (or in a pinch right wing).
Ideally you want her def down as quickly as possible, but best to not have two blues next to each other.

Her acc down is also very powerful, and tile dependent heroes tend to do better in def than attack.
She can actually also be used as a tank, due to her acc down, but now-adays thats all yellow/dark


Thanks for the reply but Iā€™ve figured it out already. It was 5 months ago :smiley:

Hippo sucks as a tank, he belongs in left wing. I nowadays prefer to use Tinsel in right wing and Jove on right flank because Jove needs to fire as often as possible and Tinselā€™s minion gives Jove a free cleanse when it dies.

If you have Jove you donā€™t need my input :rofl:

We are in agreement! :+1:

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Sheā€™s strong, i use her everyday


The OP is updated with Elf minion related balance update.


just got her, a year after first release. she looks good; I have a happy problem, as my Blue queue is long. I think Iā€™ll keep Bubbles and Thalassa ahead of Tinsel, though.

Curious to see how my Blue stack shapes up. I also have 2x C-Lepus and Sobekā€¦

for those who have her, has she stood the test of time?