Thoughts on tabards allocation

Not in any rush to use them but not much on the horizon that I’m remembering to use them on.

Current maxed Dark heroes

Current Dark hero options. I tend to raid with a 3/2 stack or 2/2/1. I’m legit tempted to ascend a second Akfrike because I absolutely love her and use her for everything and a double Alfrike for fast wars and tournaments would be fun.

Only really have monk emblems available

Thanks in advance for thoughts/ feelings on who should be next.

Man what great heroes. I would say choose cSartana or Kage.


Try getting Panther and Kunchen and Onyx, and you’ll be almost complete. A second Alfrike for purposes of of fast raid tourneys, to me, is such a waste of tabards since that only happens once or twice every month. You must now develop a team good against yellow titans and certain events or quests.


Using her “for everything” is key to me. Are you on Line, in a room that has access to Wise Goat? You could research the other heroes (just to be sure), or go ahead with double Alfrike’s if you know that is going to make you happy. :wink:


Raiding with double alfrikes is a ton of fun, with Sif in between, brings me joy unleashing both specials at once :grin:

But yeah, that would be a solely Game fun/ absurdity choice.

No Line, I may have to look into that. Leaning towards Kage ATM but will hold off for a bit as I’m in no real rush to use them.

If you download Line, let me know to invite you into a Goat room. Goat is programmed to show the maxed card, hero grading, talents, and sometimes even a video showing the hero in action.

(Just a lot to post in here for 13 other heroes :grin:)

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I forgot about Panther and Oynx. Thank you.
Yeah, second alfrike is more one of those wild/ fun temptations but likely won’t happen until I have no other options

My prefer order would be :

Freya > Bera > kage > cDom (she’s more versatile than sartana) > sartana

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