Dark hero to level up ? Panther, Kage or Seshat for tabards?

Would much appreciate advice on this, thank you. I have Hel and need best to suit for other Dark. Thanks

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I just hate you, really.


Thank you. The title was terrible by itself, but the “I have Hel” makes it all painful.

I’d go with Kage


Panther for Titan goodness.

If you are a challenge player, aiming for the high league, then Panther, for killing quickly the bosses with a stack of purples. Depends of the challenge of course. Some missions a stack of green with Eve is much better, as it is for blue with Frida or red with Falcon. But if you are interested mostly in raids and wars, then Kage. After, Seshat.

Yes @Elpis, I almost feel like a person in that position doesn’t need our advice :joy::rofl:

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Amazing dark bench! I have three of those; sadly no Panther. Knowing the heroes now I’d definitely max Kage next, but asap take Panther to 3.70. Then Ses to 3.70 and make the decision for next set, guess it partly depends on what level titans you’re fighting.

I prioritized Kage over Ses and even if it was hard (she was 3.70 when I got him) I’m SO happy I followed the advice of my peers here. Kage and a lvl11 mana troop is a one man army.

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Thanks for reading and replying :blush:


I only have Seshat and Kage, but for those two I went first for Seshat mainly as a Guin counter. I’ve Kage without emblems and is really strong but only if the opponent has more than 50% of health, but without emblems hardly you can one-shot any 5*… But probably I would go for panther, since she can def down.

I vote Kage to max and panther to 3.70.

As others said - depends on your goals

Nice problem, but hard decision.


5 tabards and probably will go
Panther => Kage => 2nd Sesh

But Sesh is so cool for her self respawning minions. Panther is the holy titan godess and Kage brutal fast.

Should I roll a dice or are there additional arguments?

Best was a bunch of tabards and traps, but sadly that won’t happen.

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@Olmor, if I were you, I will ascend 2nd Ursena, and make unique defense with 2 Ursena (I know you have 2 Ursena).
Well back to pick from your list… IMO it should be… urghh… it is hard to choose, but I do not want to choose 2nd Seshat because variety and others are best,… so either Kage or Panther. I personally choose Panther, because has more att stat, not significant though, and also consider the class what you already have, Barbarian VS Fighter.

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I would roll a die, designating even/odd as Guardian Panther/Kageburado and accepting the result.

This clear and direct veneration of random number generation should karmicly help your loot.

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2nd Ursl :rofl:

No, they would be killed by Boril.
Ursl tank or bank :wink:

Panther will it be for her class and slightly better stats.

But minions may save my …
Hmmm, I could strip Athena.

Nope, Panther first.

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Obviously… …

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Panther seems to be a good choice