The arguments against Thorne basically boil down to: “he’s a bit underpowered for the roles one would like to use him in.” But underpowered is way better than no-powered, which is where you are now. He can certainly still badly hurt targets in platinum tier, so if that’s where you’re living, he’s really not an awful choice.
The real remorse will happen if you pull a Grimm while you’re in the middle of levelling him. For what it’s worth, though, you’ve got my blessing.
I would have to agree with @Garanwyn it is true that Thorne is underpowered but you have no other blue and lots of green. Evelyn will definitely happen but Thorne is better than nothing at all. Unless you plan on investing and rolling the dice on summons to get another he is the best option right now and I would do it
I actually think Thorne is decent. He’s got big boy stats and he hits. The attack stat is low but that’s what buffers are for. Considering you only have two blues leveled, I’d go with it for now. If you pull triton or Grimm I’d switch priority though because they’re probably more useful for the price it costs to level them.
I’m less worried about you pulling a sweet blue 5* from TC20, because the probability of a non-Thorne blue 5* coming up is 0.93%. So at 2 days a pull, the average time to get one is going to 148 days. And the 95% likely point is about 640 days. Holding your mats for an average of half a year (and maybe much longer) seems like a mistake.
I use Thorne for quiet some time in combination with Grimm and Kiril.
For raiding and events that is. They are the ultimate rock band. Kiril provides the beer; Grimm rocks them down and Thorne does the finishing touch.
I’ve got Thorne at 3/70; he was my first ice 5*, and so I made lemonade with that lemon.
You know, @JonahTheBard, that I’m a big fan of matched-color training, so I’m not sure that I see a conflict between raising Evelyn and Thorne at the same time (unless you’re really low on gloves/compasses).
Actually every other blue 5* you can get would be better than Thorne: level Evelyn.
If only I could gift one of my Grimm to you… you wouldn’t have such weird toughts
I posted this in another thread. You can replace the name “Elkanen” for “Thorne”
You need to read carefully, my friend. And see who is writing. All the given advices are well intended and I ALWAYS feel thankful for a well intended advice, but sometimes all those do is to confuse you.
Elkanen sucks… Compared to what? Alberich, Zeline, Tarlak, Gregorion… OMG! All HOTM!!! People saying this can have a 5 HOTM defense team with 2 or 3 Gravemaker, Ares and Hel waiting in the bench…
If you are a BIG spender and think you may be able to get one of those heroes in further Atlantis summons, then feed Elkanen away (maybe you want first actually obtain any new green 5* LOL)
Let me tell you about a modest C2P (never top 100 or even 1000). My TC20 has only rewarded me with two 5*: Obakan and Thorne, B and C rated heroes… All I read about Thorne is crap and more crap. Obviously you can’t compare him with the new Aegir, but the fact is I don’t have Aegir and my fully leveled Thorne is pretty good, tanky stats and just decent damage. Same as Obakan.
My point is: do you like Elkanen? Then ascend and use Elkanen. Listen what all this very kind and wise people have to say but don’t regret taking another direction. Don’t waste months of not using a good hero waiting something awesome finally arrives.