I’ve got 2 Magni’s with costumes and Kiril, Grimm and Sonya with costumes. I usually play:
C Kiril, C Magni, C Grimm, CB Magni +14, C/CB Sonya
On mono raid attack. I feel like Thorne would add more than Richard as Richard’s attack down doesn’t matter because of C Kiril. No other blue 5* to choose from right now. Any suggestions appreciated.
To complicate things I just drew Alasie. I’m assuming no contest I go with her, but Thorne I have emblems for and I just gave all of my ranger emblems to Liana…
In raid, I think Thorne is better for raid. I have Richard+20 with attack path. Even I use Grimm+Richard, they barely kill any enemy. But I have Magni costume, so I prefer Richard over Thorne. I use Richard as average 5* lower attack for S2/S3/S4 hard mode and ninja tower. Lower attack mayn’t useful much in offense raid but it is very useful in any hard map stage.
You have a bunch of heroes doing the same thing (cKiril and cMagni both give def down), tho i dont mind keeping cKiril since he is your only healer at the moment. I think you can switch out grimm and sonya for both thorne and alasie. Ascend both to 3/70 and see which one will be more useful.
He speaks sense. Alasie is head and shoulders above Thorne and Richard. I have Thorne and Richard ascended and I use them in my 2nd war team when we get red tanks but if the option was there to have an Alasie instead Id take your hand off for it.
We’ve also seen Purple tanks and Blue tanks. The blue was all 30 Krampus in a fast war and I never want to see it again but you know, it had “variety” I guess…the Krampus with 2 Mother North’s gave me PTSD…never again do I want to face that
I mean we run Green tanks normally and Purple in Rush. When you get red tanks it’s because they have masses of the Garnets and Black Knights. So not as much fun as you’d think (though we beat that 2 wars ago)