While I like my current defense team, I’m about to finish an additional batch of fives and I can’t help but feel like it could be better. Part of the problem is class emblems–simply put, this game made too many great wizards.
I’m currently using a rainbow team of:
Zim (4-80-6), Lianna (4-80-5), Onatel (4-80-Wizard), Magni (4-80-5), Victor (4-80-Wizard)
Additionally, I have finished Mitsuko (who can get my sorc emblems), Richard (who could get my paly emblems), and will soon finish Poseidon and Hel.
My questions essentially boil down to:
Who gets the wizard emblems between Hel, Onatel, and Victor?
If it’s Hel or Onatel, would you emphasize attack, health or defense nodes?
Figure that I can build Poseidon or Mitsuko into a tank if it helps, (though my fighter emblems are currently on Magni).
If you had my roster, how would you put this thing together, and why?
(Note: I like Hel better than Onatel for raiding, and I think I’d ultimately get more use from her, but part of me wonders if tank isn’t the most important slot on a defense team, and thus, most worthy of emblems?)