The game CHANGED! Did no one NOTICE?!... or did no one CARE?!

DoctorStrange is a damn joke. “There is nothing a mono only player will ever say to me to agree with them and I hope vice versa.” What point is this a**clown trying to make then?

The points, usually, are:

Anyone that spends money is wrong

Anyone that doesn’t play his way is wrong

Anyone that doesn’t agree with him is wrong

Though in fairness these rants are actually semi-legible so I hope that means the new meds are working a bit better.

We just need to start working on turning that frown upside down and we are making progress.


i’ve noticed they become more greedy at a faster rate. year end bonus must be bad

Hey there is a strong I love mono group and they will play it until the game goes into the ground and that’s good for them. I’m glad they have a crew of people who supports that lame ■■■ playstyle. Me on the other hand, want nothing to do with people who play in that manner so I have nothing to do with those types of people. They have their opinion we have ours. Not about right or wrong because opinions are just that opinions. There is no advice I want to hear from mono ONLY<---- NOTICE I SAID ONLY player and they don’t want to hear anytbing I have to say either so no harm no foul.

No reason for anyone to resort to name calling just because we don’t view the game the same. Pretty simple point if you are a mono only player then we have nothing to talk about and good game to you and your crew. Not sure why that offends someone but whatever floats your boat.

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So could you kindly stop calling people who do choose to play Mono “Clowns” then.

The first step to change is literally not doing exactly what you say people shouldn’t do…


It’s just an opinion. Mine just happens to be that you’re an a**clown.

I mean you have never met me a day in your life so if me not liking mono upsets you that much to think negatively then I’m sorry you feel that way.

My bad I really didn’t think the word clown would be so offensive cause I know plenty of a lot more vulgar words but figured clowns was suffice compared to what other people call mono only players. I will make sure to be more careful of my phrasing from now on as to not offend any group of players that even though I could give two ■■■■■ about, I do have enough respect to not want to make them think I have any ill will for there lame style of play.

Here is a great example of what you are talking about and you tell me what you would do. A player showed me his roster told me he was having trouble with a team and certain tank repeatedly. I looked at his roster, broke down what he could use to beat it pretty easily and gave him two teams to try. Not only did he not try them he got immediately angry because I didn’t give him mono team advice, and literally refused to talk to 6 other people giving him almost the same advice because we weren’t giving him a mono build. To me that’s clown attitude but to you I guess you would call it what? Learning things one way in any facet of life is setting yourself to detriment, so if you are a MONO ONLY player we most likely won’t view anything the same way as my goal has always been to find as many ways possible to counter any team.

I am and have always been a defensive specialist and have the scores in every avenue to back them up including taking number one in global numerous times and being part of top ten alliance which actually soured me on the game more than anything. As video after video of mono monotony was just not fun for me

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Guilty. I love playing mono. But I’m not against other playstyles (Event Festival I’ve actually did full rainbow)

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LOL so you say you will stop name-calling, then proceed to call mono playstyle “lame” :sweat_smile:

Yes i called mono playstyle lame I never called a person anything. I have made it abundantly clear I don think mono should be allowed in the game, that has nothing to do with the players. It’s a cheap way to not have to learn to defend and boring as hell to most players. Again talking about mono usage is not calling anyone out of there name.

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Variety of playstyle and techniques is a good thing. No playstyle should be driven out of the game, from the rainbow through to full mono everyone has the right to play how they enjoy the game, without the way they do it being criticised.

Nobody is forcing you to play mono that’s fine play how you like. But people who do play mono should be allowed to in peace as well.

Seriously people. Kindness. Its important it cost nothing. As a childhood friend no longer with us used to say " be nice, because we all like nice people"


If someone wants to play mono that’s on them. Me being someone who doesn’t I dont go around hunting mono players to talk ■■■■ to them I ignore them because we have nothing to talk about. You find a single post EVER where I purposely hunted down a mono player to say anything to them.

They are the ones getting offended not vice versa. If they told me I was dumb for running 2 2 1 I would say my win and lose percentages day otherwise and move on.

They are the ones attacking and im simply asking why? I don’t like mono, don’t think it should ge allowed with out a damage cap and always have as it’s cheap hope taking 90% of what the game is about and they don’t agree with that assement.

I’m happy to not run mono unless it’s a titan and they are happy to spend thousands to run mono. More power to 'em, not my issue and I again have nothing against any players style of play, I just like to have conversations with people with similar ones that I use and there is nothing wrong or offensive about that.

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It’s not about hunting people down to criticise them. However calling playstyles lame and saying it should be driven out of the game is only going to increase the toxic nature of what is already at times a volatile place.

By all means say you don’t like playing that way yourself and why you prefer other ways, but there’s no need to denigrate the other styles.


Hang on…

You play Mono on Titans? That’s lame though isn’t it?? I mean playing mono isn’t allowed so I just guessed you took maybe a 3-2 at most to a Titan.

This needs clearing up or we are danger of a contradiction that mono has no place in the game at all.

Or…spoiler alert, it’s just another way to play and everyone should be allowed to play however they like without being called “Lame”

Which, if you care, you are doing if you call a style of play a name. Because by extension those playing that way become the name your calling them.

As I’ve said - live and let live. You don’t like Mono, that’s fine. Those that do like mono, that’s fine as well.

There’s no need to try and make this all tribal. Us vs them and all that. Just play how you like and leave everyone to do the same.


I find it amazing how many will spend time trying to educate a wall that the floor is flat. I am grateful this forum has an “ignore forever” option as I do not waste my time on walls.

Best wishes and Happy Holidays. :slight_smile:


Titans are single color and the one place on game where multiplied damage helps everyone in your alliance, so it is viable there, I don’t use i, but I have in the past because there are no other colors to worry about. Again I didn’t like that there was no strategy when running mono other than move stuff and hope your color shows up, just my take on it and that was not fun, but for some people it is to each their own. If you ask my opinion I will give it but I won’t go purposely looking for mono players to berate them.

SG have been actively encouraging stacking for years now with the element bonuses and heroes that create minions for their element like Glenda and Reuben.

Yup. That’s the trend. For a long while now.

Now SGG has decided to change their marketing strategy : less colour stacking.

Maybe they want players to spend more to summon the newer OP heroes cos any team not mono, 4-1, 3-2 or 3-1-1, will fare better with heroes with better stats, better specials, board dependent, of course.

Rainbow takes longer for a win. That’s why colour stacking is great. Saves on time. Not just for events.

I did try rainbow for CF with an event hero team. No emblems. That 20% bonus helped a lot. I reached my usual tier (aiming for completion first, then hope to get more than just that sad silver token) with less weapons used.

I also tried mono (event plus non event heroes), 3-2 too. Results more or less similar.

Competitive players with nicely set up mono teams, fully emblemmed and perhaps LB too, with matching high level troops, will of course use their mono teams. The TP for these “ready to go” teams will more than make up for any penalty for colour stacking, if time takes priority. Augmented with weapons. Kudos to these players. They worked hard to get where they want to be. They should reap their rewards.

The game is structured towards colour stacking. If SGG wants to disable this advantage, then they should penalise all colour stacking, regardless of scenario. From Titans to raids to war to maps to events.

Penalty being reduced damaged per each colour stack. Like a similar game.
1 colour stack = 100% damage
2 colour stack = less 10% damage plus less 10% mana build up
And so on

If EP is restructured this way, it will be a totally new ball game with many veterans exiting cos SGG just rendered their efforts to date to Zero. It is unlikely that SGG will be that brave as to veer towards this direction in the near future.