đŸ§Ș The Beta Beat (V68) - Gargoyles, Construct Heroes, Super elemental heroes -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

Topic for the Updated Kalevala event:


The 3rd Beta build is here:

  • 3 new Secret hero
  • 2 new Alliance Quest heroes
  • 1 new Slime hero
  • Soltstice Summon (now includes costumes too)
  • Winderness Summon (similar to Covenant Summon)

As in, for all heroes that have them?

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yes ,finally something players looking for ,
wilderness summon is same as covenant but 3 featured hero 0.8% to get them and 1.7 % to get non featured and better non featured heroes
i guess covenant will stay for introducing new ones
and this one will be wild mix of most wanted ones


Exactly. Maybe something actually worth spending my FTP gems on!

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Yes, for all heroes where it exists.


Here is the topic for the new Secret heroes:

Clash of knight heroes:

Slimes heroes will arrive in Solstice Summon

Balance update of the Slime hero:

New Slime hero


While costumes on Summer Solstice is a good thing and could help new players, or players that don’t have many premium heroes

Many heroes still don’t have costumes and others again have very bad costumes.

My suggestion for F2P and C2P would be to wait for all toons to be released and pull from Costume Chamber as they would:

  • get heroes wich would be over X team power (and good passive)
  • have good candidates where to use the costly master emblems and aethers
  • gain access to multiple classes to use in class-restricted quests
  • possibly leveling multiple copies of them when lacking better candidates and doing so having an easier time picking wich legendary troops to convert

The advice to wait is really dangerous. You’ll always want to wait. The time is never right, if you’re always comparing what you could get now to what you could get in six months.

My advice is always the same. Stop pulling if you can’t level the stuff you have. Start again once you’re able to. Don’t worry so much about max/min. The odds are too slim for it to matter.


When toons are finished they’l go to fourth costumes immediately.

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It would still be the most reliable portal for F2P and C2P as it would neat them a useable hero without the chance of dropping costumeless or old hero from other portals.

And with each upgrade of costume the cost of upgrading would be lower when compared to a new hero.

For example
 would a 4th costume drop for my already maxed Leonidas? Would it be better than his toon variant?

Y) only 1 alpha aether needed to 2nd limit break, no further master emblems needed.
N) just level it to 4.80 for stats boost and be done with it.

I’m not saying to wait forever but to just wait enough for it to be worth it.


Solstice Summon related Beta beat topic:

Wilderness Summon Portal


The final Beta for V68 is here.


  • 2024 September HOTM: Zidane
  • New Plains Hunter hero: Sune
  • Selectable VIPs offer:
    • The offer lists 4 VIP combo options. You can only buy one
  • Ascension Summon update:
    • Added Master Emblem Combos to the rotation
    • Adjusted summon odds
  • Wilderness Summon
    • Chest now can contain Master emblems.


  • Updated loot appearance rate tooltips for Hero League and Raid Tournament
  • Simplified the additional info tooltips for Wither and Growth
  • Info box implemented for Heroes that use Dance/Ballad Effects in their Special Skills
  • Legendary troops now increase the team power value when the troop class bonuses are active (troop paired with hero of matching class)
  • Updated the icon for Christine Daae’s Ballad of Passion status effect


  • Fixed a visual issue on W3K costumes unstoppable minions passive where its icon appeared every time the costumed Hero had a minion
  • Multiple minor grammatical edits to special skill descriptions for improved clarity
  • Scoria’s special skill animation now always appears on the target with most health
  • Fixed an issue with the Owl Family passive, which was reducing the mana gain from Special Skills more than it stated in the description
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to convert Epic troops into Legendary troops if the Epic troop was assigned to a Hero League defense team regardless of whether or not the player was actively participating in the event

I haven’t checked his card/stats/skills yet but i am sure he is great! Can’t be otherwise when he is named after a LEGEND.


He really should have a headbutt special skill


If he is not OP HOTM, we riot. SG can’t just use a living LEGEND’s name and make him another mediocre hero. You hear that @staff @Petri :sweat_smile:

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at least he left hero after hit with lot bleed :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Like wow!

Even the British speak well of him!


Please SG, show repect

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This makes me laugh, because being from the US, my first thought was the protagonist of Final Fantasy IX. I was only vaguely aware of the soccer (sorry, “football”) player. Please don’t hurt me!


Hope they added tomes and blades to the AM portal. That omission still amazes me.