🧪 The Beta Beat (V68) - Gargoyles, Construct Heroes, Super elemental heroes -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

Will there be any adjustments to the challenge event?

If Staff is going to change the Gargoyles event, then it will happen only next time as any change now would be unfair to those who are already completed it.

That didn’t stop them to do the same in case of Musketeers, though they returned items and gave flasks at least that time.

But they won’t change it IMHO; it’s late Friday already. The chance of changes during weekend are zilch.


The new Beta build is here:

  • New Kalevala hero + costumes
  • Updated Kalevala Quest (boss changes)
  • New Slime hero
  • New Plain Hunter heroes
  • New Opera heroes

I will start to add beta-beat topics as soon as I can.


Is Slime a family? or something else?

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yes new family that will soon be in game, maybe solstice heroes

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Slimes? What’s next? Aliens? With special skill that has chance to steal Springvale Heroes from your roster (you can take the Pig) :flying_saucer: :cow: ?



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Sorry for the delay.
Here is the topic for the new Kalevala hero:

Kalevala costumes:

Slime hero:

I continue to work on the rest now.


Imagine a team of Predators. Maybe they could be the ones to take out the Goblins

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Here is the topic for the new Plain Hunter heroes:

Von Rothbart has received a brand new skill, and stat increase.


And here is topic for the 4 new Opera heroes:


Heroes, heroes, heroes. That’s all betas are about these days :frowning:


I assume still no news about the deadly untold tales?


I say we change the name to Hero Beat.


Or with my FTP roster, “More Heroes I Probably Can’t Beat!”

  • Nothing on that.
  • We see something for what might be Dragon Dominion thing, but still nothing else about it outside it being another game within a game.
  • They had proposed changes to Hero Academy for Troops Training and Retraining but I guess that must have been a lie. Legendary Troops are fine, released with issue.

And Untold Tales just dropped a Costume for a 5* hero out the blue. I’m planning to search this forum to see who else they plan to give costumes to or if this was just sahdow-dropped without even beta players knowing it was going to be a thing.


No, there is nothing.

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About that we have seen a lot, but yes, it is just a new game inside the current one.

This was the case for Xenda Costume too.

And all Toon costumes recently.


Fair about the other two. Toon Costumes, I had assumed majority of them would have been mostly 5* heroes until the 4* and even 3* heroes got one. And I figured they were still making costumes for Season 4 despite already moving to Season 5 fairly quickly. (That also being mostly 5* rn until they drip 1 4* and 3* costume every other month.)