đŸ§Ș The Beta Beat (V67) - Master Emblems, Dragonspire, Astral heroes, Construrct Heroes, Beach Party heroes, Super elemental heroes -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

Some are already added to topics which I have linekd in the Overview topic, but there is still lot to report about.

I will announce new topics as a post related to Dragonspire only in this Overview topic to not have a duplicated post here too.

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Just some feedback
 it’s getting a bit confusing with all the subthreads being created for this one. It’s a hugely complex addition. It’s hard to keep track of all of it.

Once all topics are added I will update all link in the OP, and to the main V67 Beta topic too.


Quicky question: Will access to this stuff be gated by progress in the current game?

I am not sure if a certain player level will be needed for it or not.

Tiny typo - should be “V67 Beta Testing Cycle”.

Only worth mentioning as V66 had the same issue.

With the absolutely incredible amount of information you are passing on regarding this latest beta you are entitled to make a few of these tiny mistakes.

Sending well deserved :coffee: and :cookie::cookie:

:beer: / :wine_glass: available later in the evening. :smiley:

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PlayForFun is doing great job, even if these dragons are all broken.


I have fixed that earlier already here.

New Beta build is here

  • New Beach Party heroes
  • New Super elemental heroes
  • New Construct hero
  • New Astral Elves hero
  • Shop update:
    • Offer popups from the Stronghold can now also be seen in the Shop’s “Featured” section.
    • They are shown bellow the Phoenix VIP and currently Featured “Might of Dark” offer

Do you know anything about will BP heroes’ costumes appear?
Kalevala got them with 2 round of it, so hoping the same for BP

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Yet more new Heroes!?! :confounded:

Seems like the release rate is increasing at an ever faster rate.

What is “stop”? Is it short for something? Or is it “shop”?

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It is sHop, thx, I have fixed it.

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No new costumes are arrived to Beta.

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Topic for the new Construct hero:

Ice Contest of Elements hero:

Fire Contest of Elements hero:

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What is the shop update? Is anything actually useful?
Are they finally going to decrease the gem prices for battle items? I mean, 50 gems for a mana pot is ridiculous :rofl:

The Shop update is just this:

  • Offer popups from the Stronghold can now also be seen in the Shop’s “Featured” section.
  • They are shown bellow the Phoenix VIP and currently Featured “Might of Dark” offer

I think I will not add a separate topic for this.

Topic for the Astral Elves hero is here:


If you don’t create a new thread for the shop, I suggest copy-paste this short summary to your ‘new beta build’ post a few hours ago, to reduce the chance people keep waiting for it.

Ok, I can do it.

And finally the Beach Party heroes:


At this pace they will catch up to dragon stats before their release :joy:


I actually laughed at this because it really does seem likely haha

Maybe add them to the OP?

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