šŸ§Ŗ The Beta Beat (V67) - Master Emblems, Dragonspire, Astral heroes, Construrct Heroes, Beach Party heroes, Super elemental heroes -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

I dont care to rehash the BBU discussion again. Too many people around here like to crow about numerous aspects of it, whilst doing nothing to try and improve the game themselves. Ultimately, the update didnt go ahead, SG just pivoted to a different way of shafting us all. It was positive to see a good number of peopleshowing support to a player movement. I hope people are willing to mobilise like that again in future.


yeah i was active in that thread as @Alex_The_Landstander , sucks it failed. no use continuing the BBU talk in this thread though. iā€™ll just the key take away point as to its failure is

Any new information about new heros in v 67

Any info on new :taco: memes?


Anything new shows up in the Beta Beat:

:test_tube: Early Information on Master Emblems, Master Talents and Superior Master Talents [Part of The Beta Beat v67] - Gameplay Help & Tactics - Empires & Puzzles Community Forum (smallgiantgames.com)

Heres a new one

Its called The Luck Dragon.

It gives you a 42% chance to pull something other than Gunnar from premium portals.



I did touch on this in my feedback yesterday after cleric trials. The existing set up of the trials is definitely more than challenging and we have to remember when we go back to live we wonā€™t have a full arsenal of double lb maxed heroes all with 25 emblems. The trials should absolutely be more difficult and tougher than the existing trials given that the reward is the equivalent of alpha breaking emblems- to put in perspective.
That said every level of player f2p, p2p l, c2p deserves and equal and fair opportunity to complete the challenge quests. It n the existing set up of the challenge I think a lot of players will have a hard time, but the ones that struggle the most will be the f2p and these players shouldnā€™t be forced or pressured to spend to be able to continue to compete in a game that has already tested that.
More than anyone else in the game l, the c2p and f2p players are going to be the ones who need these challenges as many of the p2p will likely just buy emblem pkgs.
I think the game needs to take into consideration a level of fairness for everyone and thatā€™s why I recommended S3 style tiles and hat give either a bonus to dmg or att or healing or wtv to help out players with smaller older or weaker rosters.
Iā€™m not F2P and I can see myself struggling without all the existing bonusā€™ for beta testing- but Iā€™d also say F2P is not the core metric of this game. Without the p2p none of what weā€™re discussing will even exist. For lack of a better description this challenge needs a balance update ā€¦lol

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This is why I generally avoid using new heroes when testing new content in beta. I only used heroes/items that I have on my normal account. Although others have commented that even using master emblems on all of their heroes still isnā€™t easy.

Eh, itā€™s not fair to begin with, which is to say ā€œfairnessā€ is overused and lacks a deeper meaning. Master emblems wonā€™t change this.


Thatā€™s fair lol. I understand and agree. Itā€™d just be nice to think that when they finally do launch this that they take every type of player into account when setting the toughness- the right medium between hard enough for the deep roster but achievable enough for the avg roster


Staff has shared us the full Beta Schedule.

It seems there will be 5 Beta builds in V67.

Beta Name Status Open Closed
Beta 1 Testing Ended WED 3.4 MON 8.4
Beta 2 Testing Planned WED 10.4/ THU 11.4 MON 15.4
Beta 3 Testing Planned WED 17.4/ THU 18.4 MON 22.4
Beta 4 Testing Planned WED 24.4/ THU 25.4 MON 29.4
Final Beta Testing Planned MON 29.4/ TUE 30.4 FRI 3.5

It seems the time has arrived.
We have just received the probably the largest Beta build new content since I am creating Beta Beat topic.

We have received ā€œDominion of Dragonsā€ a.k.a. ā€œDragonspireā€ in the latest Beta build.

  • 9 new buildings
  • 5 new Dragons for 3 rarity = 15 Dragons
  • ā€œAssist Dragonsā€
  • ā€œDragon Ridersā€
  • Summon portal for the Dragons
  • 4 Dragon Quests
  • Dragon Map with 3 unlocked area
  • 16 new Battle items
  • Dragon Missions
  • Dragon Chests (Monster + Dragons)
  • Dragon Raids
  • Dragon Inventory
  • Dragon Shop
  • Dragon Roster

I will add topic as soon as I can, but it wil take time to do it.


Wow @PlayForFun you are a true legend.
Thanks so much for your hard work!!


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: :test_tube: Early Information on Dragonspire (Overview) [Part of The Beta Beat v67]

The most predictable feature of all! :laughing:

Take your time, @PlayForFun . This sounds like a massive undertaking. You, of all people, have earned the communityā€™s patience.


I have just added an Overview topic:

It contains very high level informationsā€¦

Much detailed informations will be added into separate Beta beat topics.


Inform-rations sounds about right XD
Thanks for keeping us updated! :heart:
As a newboe I feel a little worried about the grinding needed for dragon + normal game. Seems very time consuming, will have to see how things go


thank you tons for all your hard work!!

ah, dragon everything is here. so most (if not all) of the typical things we have will get a dragon counterpartā€¦

but what about the most important, most rewarding (in terms of loot for time spent) thing of allā€¦

do we get a Dragon Mystic Vision too??!?? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah I was wondering about that too. Along with the accompanying Epic and Legendary MV.

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Nope, there is no such.

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