🧪 The Beta Beat (V34 & V35) – Mythic Titans, Upcoming HotMs, Friendly Matches, Season 4 Heroes (R1), New Challenge Event, More Costumes & Valhalla Forever-- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

Beta Update

Please be patient while these new threads are created; they should be live in the next day or so :slight_smile:

Preliminary information on Friendly Matches is that it is an internal battle with your alliance members. It has a limited energy source which can be refilled for a gem cost (like raid & WE). That’s really all the info I got so far.

HotM for March thread up: 🧪 Early information on the March 2021 HOTM Malicna

Edit 2
Friendly matches beta-beat thread now up:
🧪 Early Information on Friendly Matches [Part of The Beta Beat V35]