Exercise - Best 3* in each class and best 3 * in each class while balancing elements

Thought this would be a fun exercise after the last raid tournament.

  1. Pick one 3* in each class to take to +20

  2. Pick one 3* in each class to take to +20 while also balancing the colors, so you have 2 from each color

Link to all characters by classes:


Wizard and Druid are the hardest categories, all 3 in each are good and you can’t really go wrong. Fighter is stacked as well (the only “bad” one is Renfeld) and has 6 characters to choose from.

My thoughts - best 3*s in each class:
Barbarian - Namahage
Cleric - Hawkmoon
Druid - Brienne
Fighter - Gato
Monk - Bane
Paladin - Tyrum
Ranger - Berden
Rogue - Vlad
Sorcerer - Cochin
Wizard - Hisan

Best 3*s in each class, balanced by 2 of each element:
Barbarian - Namahage
Cleric - Mnesseus
Druid - Melia
Fighter - Gato
Monk - Bane
Paladin - Tyrum
Ranger - Berden
Rogue - Vlad
Sorcerer - Jahangir
Wizard - Ulmer

Holy - Bane, Melia
Dark - Vlad, Tyrum
Nature - Berden, Mnesseus
Fire - Jahangir, Namahage
Ice - Ulmer, Gato

What are your choices?


Holy would be Bane and Melia
Ice would be Valen and Gato
Nature would be Berden and Belith
Dark would be Balthazar and Gill-Ra
Fire would be Hawkmoon and Namahage


This does look fun.

Barbarian: Namahage
Cleric: Mnesseus
Druid: Melia
Fighter: Gato
Monk: Bane
Paladin: Gunnar
Ranger: Squire Wabbit
Rogue: Vlad
Sorcerer: Gill-Ra
Wizard: Hisan

Almost similar choices. But I went with Squire Wabbit instead of Berden, Gunnar instead of Tyrum, Gill-Ra instead of Jahangir, and Hisan instead of Ulmer.

The Wabbit is just too good of a 3 star to pass up, same with Hisan. Gunnar, in my experience from the previous tournament, is the tankiest 3 star. And Gill-Ra is the only cleanser in this rarity tier.


I kept going back and forth, trying to balance the heroes for all the various rules (no heal, very fast, buff buff).

I did find that I defaulted to heroes that would be nice for defense and on the attack, which is how I ended up with no Gill-Ra, Gunner, or Kailani on my lists.

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