⚖️ Thanatos - 5* Ice / Blue from Tower of Styx

I think he’s now worse than Xnol. And worse than Milena in terms of super quick heal (cleanse>mana generation bonus).

But I don’t mind it at all.

This is another example of not stupidly OP hero released last weeks (like new Tavern costumes, G.Gazelle costume). My high hopes is that they will slow down with the power creep, but in reality I think this is just the beginning of the year, so not so high financial pressure for targets blah blah blah.


Don’t understand why the second charge needed to be nerfed to 10%. 15% is good enough. If they nerf third charge to 25% it’ll still be reasonable

Its now the common upon release nerf it started with Queen Anne. 10% sucks now lol.

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Thanatos for me went from a must have to I’m not even summoning.


There have been many stealth nerfs along the way, just QA and Thanatos were too nerfed that it became distracting

Due to their dishonest strategy of not releasing heroes at the same time in one portal, later heroes are already obsolete when they are released.


Queen Anne was almost unanimously stated she was overpowered in the beta and a nerf was necessary otherwise her topics will be up every rush.

Thanatos wasn’t. The feedback on him is mainly to change his colour without any nerfs.


it’s not the cleanse that should be a hard pass. it’s the lack of dispel and attack buff. mana gen and mana buff are cute but the lack of those other things makes this one another Ice healer trash. albeit, top grade, high quality trash. /sarcasm typeface/

Wasn’t planning on doing too many pulls seeing how he was nerfed.

The 10% mana buff X2 is subpar in comparison to Xnol.

I think I’ll take a second Milena from SE if the latest prediction is true.

Anyways borahae :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Sadly, Thanatos seems very mediocre now post-nerf, not worth chasing.


All of them gonna be buffed at some point.
He’s just okay, to be honest. Far away from being underpowered.

The sad thing about him is hes another… blue healer.


That wasn’t a lot of pulls for you?

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Thanks, I will update the topic later today.

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Blue healers are fine. Cleric healers on the other hand…

Hello All,

Here is my attempt for Thanatos,

He will be great with slow blue heroes,


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This is the second time I was ready to go hogwild summoning for a unit I really wanted, only to have it nerfed before launch. Not complaining at all. No problem saving my money as I was going to have to choose between this and the new pets. Now I know where I’ll be going. Also makes picking Milena that much easier from SE.


Go for covenant on 9 Feb. Dabria sounds yummier if she’s not nerfed from beta.

Or, better yet, go for coventant in march. That list is just crazy good.

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I saw him but I already have Charon so too much overlap there imo. He’s better than Charon, especially for defense, but my needs in purple are a hard hitter at this point. I only have support. Blue and Purple are the two colors I desire most so I guess it’ll be Milena from SE.

The reason I’m targeting pets is the green fast fiend summoner. I have Elba, and want to use her, but only have red and purple fiend summoners. Would be nice to add another color to the mix to take advantage of her.

I made the mistake of not realising he got a stealth nerf, and so wasted a 10 pulls on this portal. Got horghall, so I guess I got something for the SE again