Team Advice and Ascension Priorities

Hey guys - first post here and have been F2P for the past 6 months. I think I’ve done a decent job assembling a team, but I seem to lack good synergies with my stronger (original) roster of heroes. For sake of length, I’ve only listed my 4* and 5* heroes (I have a deep, fully leveled bench of 3*).

My current team is (from L to R)
Melendor (4/33)
Grimm (4/49)
Li Xiu (4/64)
Rigard (4/3)
Gravemaker (3/26)

I’m currently working on depth which includes:
Tiburtus (3/60)
Proteus (2/41)
Cheshire Cat (3/1)
Sabina (1/1)
Ameonna (1/8)
Cyprian (1/1)

Wu Kong (3/60)
Wu Kong (1/1 - Duplicate)

Kiril (3/34)
Triton (1/1)
Agwe (3/60)
Athena (1/1 - super excited when I pulled her with my Atlantis tokens!)
Grimm (1/1 X 2 Duplicates)

Caedmon (3/24)
Gadeirus (1/1)
Melendor (1/1 - Duplicate)

Wilbur (3/60)
Scarlett (3/60)
Kelile (2/29)

My current plan was to get Kiril, Caedmon, Proteus, and Kelile to 3/60 to further develop my bench. I have the mats to fully ascend 2 blue and 1 green hero (4 star). I would love to start on Athena, but I’m 3 scopes away from realizing that dream.

I think the most glaring hole I have is the lack of a true “tank” - as I don’t have the mats to fully ascend GM, I find him a bit too squishy in the center position. Because I have to play with the heroes I have, I’d prefer to lean on better synergies to contend with the better teams.

Are there any groupings of 2-5 heroes that can provide that synergy? Any suggested improvements to my Defense Team? Are my priorities all WRONG?

Wu Kong/Wilbur, Triton/Gadeirus/Proteus (for Atlantis Family bonus) seem obvious, but are there any that I am overlooking?

Looking forward to hearing some advice.

I maxed and used emblems on Wilbur as soon as I could. There are a lot of 4* that are pretty killer once you max them and get into the talent grid. If you don’t have mats to final ascend GM, I’d personally focus on your best 4* and do as many of the special element quests that pop up as you can to get the additional mats you need for GM. Aside from that, get any 5* to 3/70 so you can ascend once you have the necessary mats. Just my 2 cents. :relaxed:

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Oh, and if you have Hansel, definitely max him. He’s helped me tremendously in the advanced/legendary events and is an amazing beast at taking out tanks in war.

Thanks for the advice. I unfortunately don’t have Hansel but I’ve definitely targeted him with some saved gems.

I am 2 hidden blades away from being able to max Wilbur, and 3 additional rings from being able to fully ascend GM…pretty sure I’ll get the blades before the rings so Wilbur is definitely a priority. Should I run him at tank and replace GM with Wu Kong at the flank? That synergy would be great…but would mean holding on ascending GM for my team to reach it’s TRUE full potential.

Wilbur is good in tank if you don’t have a better option. I use Frida or Queen of Hearts in my team. I only use Wu in offensive or titan, never on my defense team. He’s too unpredictable and I’d rather use him in a controlled environment. :grin: