Hey guys - first post here and have been F2P for the past 6 months. I think I’ve done a decent job assembling a team, but I seem to lack good synergies with my stronger (original) roster of heroes. For sake of length, I’ve only listed my 4* and 5* heroes (I have a deep, fully leveled bench of 3*).
My current team is (from L to R)
Melendor (4/33)
Grimm (4/49)
Li Xiu (4/64)
Rigard (4/3)
Gravemaker (3/26)
I’m currently working on depth which includes:
Tiburtus (3/60)
Proteus (2/41)
Cheshire Cat (3/1)
Sabina (1/1)
Ameonna (1/8)
Cyprian (1/1)
Wu Kong (3/60)
Wu Kong (1/1 - Duplicate)
Kiril (3/34)
Triton (1/1)
Agwe (3/60)
Athena (1/1 - super excited when I pulled her with my Atlantis tokens!)
Grimm (1/1 X 2 Duplicates)
Caedmon (3/24)
Gadeirus (1/1)
Melendor (1/1 - Duplicate)
Wilbur (3/60)
Scarlett (3/60)
Kelile (2/29)
My current plan was to get Kiril, Caedmon, Proteus, and Kelile to 3/60 to further develop my bench. I have the mats to fully ascend 2 blue and 1 green hero (4 star). I would love to start on Athena, but I’m 3 scopes away from realizing that dream.
I think the most glaring hole I have is the lack of a true “tank” - as I don’t have the mats to fully ascend GM, I find him a bit too squishy in the center position. Because I have to play with the heroes I have, I’d prefer to lean on better synergies to contend with the better teams.
Are there any groupings of 2-5 heroes that can provide that synergy? Any suggested improvements to my Defense Team? Are my priorities all WRONG?
Wu Kong/Wilbur, Triton/Gadeirus/Proteus (for Atlantis Family bonus) seem obvious, but are there any that I am overlooking?
Looking forward to hearing some advice.