Suggestions on defence team

Hi, I’ve been playing around with different defence teams and just looking for ideas on any. Seems like I’m losing more than not regardless of who I put in. The top line is my current defence (not in order).
Any ideas, help or suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!


That’s the one I’ve been using a lot recently but I seem to still be losing more than I win in defence :persevere:

Rigs Sesh Poseidon Vic Proto

Joon athena ares seshat/victor greg

I dont like Evelyn for defense team, she suits better on offense. Also Seshat is better on flank because she will attack more and still support her wing hero

Obviously. Ares is one of the best heroes, but one of the worst tanks. No surprise you lost a lot.

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If you wanna a really deadly defense, try this for 24 hours and then come and tell me how you did: Seshat, Poseidon, Victor, Joon, Lianna.

Total anihlaton team…

I say
Athena victor posidon seshat azlar

You have too many good purples…

Even with no healers? Also not sure how Ares isn’t a good tank. High hp and defence which would prolong flanks surely?

Why do you think you lost a lot? Ares is so easy to defeat for an experienced player. He’s a passive tank which affects you with nothing, because there are a lots of debuffers out there. When I’m raiding, I pray to find defenses with Ares tank :smile:

Not sure I agree. Tried the lineup you suggested, won 1, lost 5 overnight. Ares has enough hp and defence to hold off on the flanks taking damage before firing.
What’s your defence team? You also use only hitters?

Seshat, Drake, GM, Elk, Magni 4300 TP. My defense is rarely beaten.

The thing is @twins0109, every defense can be beaten. It’s your raiding that will give you most of your cups. With the defense you have your playing with the big dogs, players that know what they are doing. You’ll have win streaks and losing streaks on D. Try playing around with your defense. You have a lot of good suggestions above.

But keep in mind if there was such a thing as an unbeatable defense, this game would die pretty quickly. Plus the top 100 wouldn’t change quite so often. Anyone can lose to any team on any given day. That’s why this game is so much fun :wink:

Might be your troops.
Max lianna to replace eve. Give ares more emblems if you’re going to tank.

Seshat poseiden ares Athena lianna