šŸ° Springvale 2020: Teams, Strategy, FAQs, Discussion, and Links ā€“ Starts April 6

I timed it to have full WE now, but I just got a Holy Chestā€¦so no Springvale for me yet, I guess.


save easy for chest fill-ups


I will be doing them in ā€œorderā€ of difficult, so easy, medium, hard.
I have never done this before so not sure what to expect from the eggs and bosses, plus we have 14 days.


Does this event count towards PoV?

I think it will, but I am waiting for POV to start before I do any stages

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Only if thereā€™s a Daily Challenge for completing Quest Stages, or something along those lines.

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Me too. Iā€™m just wondering if we need to finish all three levels, or if there are two other challenge events like last PoV

So, it isnā€™t ā€œrequiredā€ for PoV?

this is a seasonal event, not a challenge event. also, the challenge event path was removed.


Based on Beta, neither.

But weā€™ll know for sure what the Valor Challenges are in 18 minutes.

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Personally I was only thinking about Experience Points and Monster kills, as they were Valor Challenges, right?

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Yes, though neither is going to be very challenging for anyone who plays regularly.


I like the graphic, very clear to read. Yet the numbers have to be adjusted (like recommended TP)

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The experience gained from each stage of Springvale counts towards the ā€œGain Experienceā€ in the bottom part of Path of Valor II

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Please share the special attack effects of heroes if u recorded

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Yeah, nope. This event sucks more than I could have ever imagined it. Just played lvl 2 (1000 TP) on easy with my 3400 team. My team almost got killed by 5 eggs exploding at one time.
Itā€™s worse than +20% buff for AI and healing in wars combined together.
And those mediocre rewards for burning 90, 130 and 200 WE flags.

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Feel like @cap and @JonahTheBard should collaborate on this

Started in August so this is my first time playing Springvale. Fun so far and breezing through easy level and playing around with a few stacks which are not all fully levelled.

Donā€™t plan to rush through or be in too much of a hurry to use my flasks. Plenty of time. :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s weird, I finished half of easy stage so far with a 3100 team without any major damage. Are you auto playing? I try to not let more than two bombs go off in the same time. Also bombs heal when you match them.

Iā€™m using my levelling team for Easy, mixed bag totalling 3008 TP. Just done level 11, barely any damage to anyone. The trick is NOT to let 5 eggs explode at one time! Play the tiles, not the mobs. That is to say, concentrate on matching the eggs as a priority rather than charging your specials.

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