I agree that Master Lepus should be updated. He seems has the lowest health (merely 1,200) among the 5* heroes of special event. At this time, 10/16/2019, new heroes from HOTM and special events have 1,300+.
Low HP isn’t necessarily the determining factor for how durable a hero is. Defense is more important; as the attack forumla in Damage Calculation notes, higher defense can greatly decrease the damage taken per hit (thus expanding survivability of a hero exponentially).
But that aside, Lepus is not a defensive hero. He’s a glass cannon, in the truest form. Low HP, mediocre defense, but very high damage output with fast speed.
When you take Thorne’s skill, but give him the same speed and skill power as Magni, you get a hero that is quite destructive. I think he really needs that durability drawback, as he’d be far too overwhelming without it.
I got my Master Lepus this spring, maxed him, gave him emblems, and haven’t regretted for doing it. He is main heavy hitter on one of my raid/war teams, and does great tile damage against titans.
Fragile? Maybe. But if he came with higher defense/health he would be way OP hero. I am quite satisfied with him the way he is.
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Master Lepus – 5* Ice/Blue from Springvale