I’m sure the answer to my question is on the forums somewhere, but I looked and couldn’t find it. So here it goes:
For special skills, when it says “deals XX% damage to…” what is the number it is taking the percentage of?
For example, see Alasie
She deals 462% damage. 462% of what number?
Is it 462% of her attack stat? So 462% of 769?
Is it 462% of her power? So 462% of 803?
I understand troops various things will affect the damage dealt by a hero. I’m not trying to do any complex math and tally things up. I just want to know what number that percent damage is based off of.
Oh and I’m assuming the “deals XX% damage to…” number is the same for all heroes. Hopefully I’m correct about that.
Yes, this is correct — but with Troops added in too, as well as any other stat modifiers like Family Bonuses, and any status effects that modify Special Skill Attack amounts.
Defense teams also have an undisplayed 20% bonus for Attack and Defense, which affects the effective Special Skill Attack amount as well.
This is the critical piece to understand, as 462% doesn’t mean 462% as much damage — it can actually mean far more when the total Attack exceeds the total Defense of the target.
There is also some more weirdness- special skills are tinted attacks, attack stat soft cap, special skills do not get critical hits, etc. - but it gives you a general idea about the strength of the attack.
Compare to battle items that bypasses defense stat, and all defense buffs, to do a flat amount of colorless damage.
The OP already said this [quote=“Kels12471, post:1, topic:135293”]
I understand troops various things will affect the damage dealt by a hero. I’m not trying to do any complex math and tally things up. I just want to know what number that percent damage is based off of.
He just asked % of what
Well duh. It’s obviously % of the % of the % based loosely on attack stat and also modified by troops and special skills and soft and hard caps along with other assorted hats, so X+Y/Z to the ^10* divided by the sum of the ratio of the tangent to the hypotenuse (don’t forget to carry the one and substitute for the margin of error while submitting the irrational remainder).
Do you even math, bro? It’s all been clearly explained above.
Part of me is offended by the suggestion that I don’t understand math, but more of me is offended by the fact that you thought that was a serious comment.
EDIT again: since some people on the internet like to take everything literally… I was making a comment in jest on the fact that the original question had not really been answered. Percent of what?
Lemme break it down in literal terms, to show you that I actually do sort of understand math…
Let’s say a hero’s special skill does 400% damage to the target. 400% of what? It can’t be a flat 400% of their attack skill, because in that case, a hero with 700 attack power would do 2800 damage with their special attack. That would be absolutely insane, and would probably one-shot almost any hero in the game.
So obviously the 400% damage is not literally 400% of their attack skill. Maybe it’s 400% of the damage that a single tile would do? Probably not, a 400% damage special usually does more than 4x the damage of any single tile, so let’s say it’s 3 tiles, so a 400% attack would equal the damage of 12 tiles. But what tiles? Same color as the caster? Strong color? Weak color?
Then you bring troops into the mix. “Modified by…” modified how exactly? +/- how much % of the original damage?
Hence the joke. The joke being that the original question wasn’t exactly answered in specific mathematical terms.
I know, I know, it probably wasn’t very funny, especially not if English is not your first language, humor and sarcasm and such don’t always translate properly. The point is, I made that comment in jest. I’m not a mathematician, but I do have a basic understanding of simple mathematics.