Attack damage when hitting all targets

I know that the percentages and things have been discussed historically, but I am wondering a basic question of overall damage.

All things being equal, I have Alasie maxed out. Her attack is 739 and special skill is 462% (3414 to 1 target). I believe that is an accurate assumption (assuming 0 defense).

The question is, I have Zimkitha maxed out. Her attack is 714 and special skill is 145% (1107 to 5 targets)… so is that 5534 (1107 x 5) in total damage or 221 damage to each (1107 / 5)??

I have been playing for over a year and had to create a spreadsheet to keep track of damage done as I leveled heroes but I am sensing that I was calculating total damage incorrectly.

This is where lots of the most clever research was carried out


Thank you for the reply, but I don’t think it answered my specific question about special skills hitting all versus hitting 1

Both and neither, depending on what you mean.

The same attack stat (including boost) hits each target.

No matter how many targets there are, each will be hit with the same attack level. The damage isn’t “split up” or shared.

But the amount of damage done to a given target isn’t solely a function of the attack stat. It’s not like a 100 attack stat does 100 damage points, and an 1100 attack stat does 1100 damage points — that’s not how damage calculation works in this game.

The actual amount of damage done to each target will depend on the target’s defense (that much you clearly know from what you wrote above) — but the relationship between the attack to defense ratio and the actual damage done is non-linear.

The post that @JonahTheBard shared goes into detail about how damage calculation works.

But suffice it to say, the hypothetical of damage dealt against a target with 0 defense (as you mentioned above) bears essentially no useful relationship to actual damage done to a given target that has a given amount of defense.

thanks @zephyr1 - so in a nutshell Zimkitha would be doing 1107 x 5 (or how ever many targets are left on the board) ??

…again assuming a 0 defense which I get is not rational to begin with :slight_smile:

The answer to the question you’re asking is yes — the same attack stat hits each target, regardless of whether it’s 1 hero left, 5 heroes left, 3 bosses, 4 monsters…the amount of damage to each won’t be based on how many targets exist or are hit.

But the “0 defense” thing is flawed, because that would basically mean infinite damage would be done (or whatever the damage cap is when the attack/defense ratio approaches infinity).

So I’m just trying to make it clear that the attack stat isn’t the amount of damage that’s done — even (especially) if the defense is “0.”

Understood. But it helps me to create a spreadsheet with parity to show total damage versus total skill when deciding which heroes to use in a raid versus a titan versus a quest.

Thanks again for the clarification!!

You’re welcome!

Yeah, I get that…but the way you’re approaching it won’t show that. :wink:

You don’t think this is helpful?

I do think the idea is helpful, but if you’re trying to compare total damage output from the special for each hero, you need to consider an average defense amount for the target, because of the damage formula being non-linear.

I see @Garanwyn typing, so I’ll stop, he’ll probably explain better. :slight_smile:

The essential special damage formula for each defense target is:

Dmg=100*(attack*(special %)/(defense * 1.2))^1.35

Heroes who do “minor damage to nearby enemies” do half damage to those nearby enemies. So the multiplier is 50 instead of 100.

The average defense for a mix of 4* and 5* targets is around 675. For pure 5*, number of around 700 is more appropriate.

It is good to look at the overall damage output of heroes when considering an attack team. But there are several factors to consider beyond special damage:

  1. Mana speed has a huge effect on damage output over the course of a fight. A fast mana hero fires around 20% more often than an average mana hero.

  2. AOE damage is a lot less likely to be lethal than single target damage. Damage which is healed away is useless damage. So AOE heroes do more damage overall than snipers, but are less likely to generate a kill unless they do a LOT of damage (Azlar, Quintus).

  3. DOTs bypass defense and directly damage health. But they are usually cleansable. The faster the DOT (e.g. GM), the more likely it is to do full damage.

  4. The frailty of attackers plays heavily into their expected damage output. For example Scarlett will likely die before firing 3 times, unless you have amazing boards. A lot of her effectiveness comes from her contribution to tiles, and from her attack debuff. Tile damage contribution from attack stat of a hero persists even after death.

  5. Tile damage is a dominant way to get kills when color stacking. The expectation should be that the tank dies from tiles, not from specials.

If you take these factors into consideration, you’ll have a much more realistic picture of how your heroes will play on offense.


Thank you for the impressive clarification!!!


@Garanwyn I just modified my spreadsheet. Thank you again. I will assume a defense of 700 as even those with a mix of 4* and 5* are using emblems to increase the 4* so better safe than sorry.

So NOW, based on my original post, Alasie would do 664 damage to 1 target and Zimkitha would do 145 to each target.

This is going to get interesting.

Also I have a sheet sorted by speed for exactly the reason you stated above. I haven’t maxed Scarlett yet but she’s fully ascended and about to go after I max Isarnia. Obakan has always been my power go to because of his speed, attack and defense (the counter attack doesn’t suck either LOL)

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Awesome! I think that’s going to make your spreadsheet much more useful, since you can compare a more practical application of the typical damage done by a hero’s special. :slight_smile:

That’s the adjustment I was imagining you’d want to make to be able to get what you wanted out of the spreadsheet.

And it’s worth considering the more tactical components that @Garanwyn mentioned too, which go beyond just the special’s damage output.