Some help prioritizing, if you’re bored

When I started off, I was just happy to level any decent 4 star hero that I pulled… as well as the very rare 5 star.

Looking at alliance wars, I can make up 4 pretty nice teams. But now I have to get choosey on which heroes to work on, I don’t think there’s a need to go beyond what would make up 6 war teams… (?)

Soooo… which of the heroes would you put a priority on finishing / beginning to level, from the screenshots on my heroes, below? Which wouldn’t make the cut and be consumed? The green lizard healer tank is on the top on my list to work on… I’m 1 tonic shy of final ascension on Kingston :slight_smile:

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All of your 3/60 are worth maxing eventually. Next projects I would do Sonya, Grimm, Kash, Danzaboobs, and start Quint

My advice will centre around rainbow levelling (i.e. levelling one of each colour at the same time).

finish Jackal FFS… he’s only the best 4* sniper in the game, rivaling most of the 5* ones too… The Jackal-Joon combo is lethal pretty much always. After that probably Chao or Ranvir (personally I rate Ranvir lower than Wu… but thats me).

Tibby to max. Then probably Quintus. yes he’s not the best purple 5* but hes still pretty OK.

Kingston to finish. Probably don’t need Kashhrek seeing as you got some 5 stars which can service fine as tank… only reason might be for 4* tournaments but I think you’ll get better use & versatility out of working on finishing Melendor.

Blue: Finish Boril then Sonya then Grimm & kiril #1. After that probably Valeria.

Red: Finish BT #2 seeing as you already spent the mats on him. my vote would be for Scarlett. Her tile damage vs. titans is immense for a 4*.


Whoops, missed Jackal. Definitely finish him.


More advice then I hoped for. Thanks!

Level atleast 5 4* heroes of each color so u can monostack in wars and raid tournaments. Doesnt really matter which ones imo. When i started, i leveled up the healers 1st.

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Lots of healers are good for wars. I also like snipers. Also, I wouldn’t limit myself to just six teams. You often need to mix things up in wars with mono tanks. We face mono tanks of all different variety in wars. One week blue, next purple, next yellow. You never know. A hero you use in one war could easily end up on the bench in the next.

Not exactly sure what mono tank means?
By browsing some other threads, it looks like when an alliance puts all of the same color heroes up on defense?

That’s when entire alliance uses same colour hero for their tank. So 30 opponent teams will, for instance, have 30 yellow tanks. That is meant to make you use up all your strong heroes (in this case purple) fast in the first few flags so that you have weaker heroes left for the last few flags and less likely to one-shot kill.

Thanks for explaining.

It’s often easier than trying to find the relevant thread to point to :rofl:

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Pulled only my 5th 5 star hero shortly after posting this. Got me an Evelyn. She seems very handy for blue titans paired with my Kingston and Caedmon. Kingston still get the tonics!

Evelyn is awesome. She will make Kingston even better

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Titan Heroes are always priority. Those are heroes with +Atk like Miki or Wu, -Def heroes of each color like Grimm and Wilbur, elemental debuffers like Eve and Jackal and heroes with very high attack power.

Most 5* heroes that fall under any of the above (except those used for pure attack power) will be fine at 3-70 till you get past 12* titans.

As you get into higher levels and as the game changes, so will your needs. At the moment, red heroes are not in high demand for wars as no teams run green tanks. Currently, yellow heroes are needed the most as most teams are now running purple tanks. However, as mentioned, this will probably be a different story in the future.

@Guvnor nailed it above. Now that you have Eve she is next after Kingston. If he is stuck at 3-70, you can work on Eve. She makes greens fierce.

I like Melendor’s costume and if you get it, he can move up to third in the green line.

Jackal is not only the yellow priority but should get emblems and try to get a 4* mana troop to 11 to take him to six tiles/three ghosted.

I’m working on Boomer, Grimm, gorshek, gadeirus and Hu Tao for my team, all 4* heroes, they’re doing well with the Season 2 stuff and now holding nicely in defence role, did try to get some other heroes from atlantis summons but just kept getting what u get in mainstream summons instead not a single atlantis except melia which I have had 3x already plus others, i did get caedmon but personally don’t really rate him as I tend to kill him fairly quick depending on the boards i get so will rank him but not quick, focusing on healer/attack and grp attacks instead max damage with recover on the heavy health guys. I do have Mok - Arr 5* hero but the fact he damages ur own guys i’m not personally keen on him for that so don’t really use him and I’m now also working on cheshire cat aswell

If you are building war depth, I’m rather gobsmacked at the relative lack of healers. I would probably max Melendor in green, since you are a tonic short on Kingston/Evelyn anyway. You can probably finish him - or get close - before Shrikewood again.

Since you’ve already given mats to Boril, I suppose it makes sense to finish him in blue - I found him to be a serviceable tank at least into high platinum/low diamond - but again, I think Kiril would be a great next choice there. He was a game changer for me, especially in class trials.

Agree with @Guvnor on red, yellow, and purple.

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Thanks for the good advice!

Hmm I thought my healer selection was good

The only I see is prioritizing is Jackal. And then Kingston at least 3/70. Put this 2 at 70 first. And then think in other one.

Wow. I really see the Guardian Jackal usefulness you all speak of. I leveled him more. I used:
Jackal, Boldtusk, Rigard, Joon, Wu Kong

Against a purple Titan… pretty great damages. At one point, my yellow tile damage was over 3k.

Can’t wait to tweak that around and see what I can make!!

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