Usually, I have Sobek on the right wing, but have recently leveled Milady up. Is it wise to keep Sobek on, or replace him with Milady, maybe at right flank? Is the average to slow mana speed difference between the two, too much?
The difference isn’t much but depending on your other heroes it could matter, who are your them?
Anyway, Sobek is worse than her in most cases.
Roz, Cupido, Nyx and Erlang Shen
Maybe in a team with mostly hitters you could find Sobek overall more useful, I find Milady to harder to beat in a stalling team (health boost etc) rather than with mostly hitters.
Yeah, that is a good point. Maybe if I had somebody like Hathor on defense as well.
I think I’ll stay with Sobek then.
Neither of them should go on wing, both are too slow. On flank Sobek is OK on tank I would maybe prefer MDW.
Since you have a bunch of fast heroes, put those on the wings.