Hi all, looking for suggestions for general war defense.
I just maxed Bubbles have LB1 at level 80, planning to LB2 (as I will use a lot on offense too!). Have enough emblems to get +20, just low on food now. Sobek is also LB1ed at level 80, not immediately planning to LB2.
I’m trying to have both buffers and ailments on my team, to force the enemy to think about both cleanse and dispel.
Alliance uses Purple tanks, hence Nyx as tank.
Which of these configurations is best? Also open to other suggestions - will share link to my roster
This is for general war defense - I think for equalizer, Sobek > Bubbles and c2Joon > Inari , as these are less reliant on status.
Many thanks in advance! (For Joon, I switch him to c2 whenever I need to set my defense)
I don’t know if it helps but I replaced sobek with bubbles in my defense until I pulled a blue goblin. On a side note defensively I would seriously consider working on Thalassa. Good luck with whichever way you choose & may the portals show you kindness!
I agree with Nyx at tank.
I’m probably upfront more afraid of bubbles, but I bet Sobek actually does more.
C2.Joon over Inari
R&N is good
I’d consider swapping Heimdall
Other than rush, that lineup is good for all wartypes.
If you LB 2 Bubbles I would definitely use him on defense.
Why Heimdall? I would call that the weak link. I don´t think I would put any of your green heroes on def, but if you absolutely insist on a rainbow (I find those overrated), then use Guan Yu.
Behind a purple tank, 2 yellow heroes is absolutely OK to have, may as well be better than a rainbow.
So with Nyx as a given for tank I would consider
for flank: Sobek, Inari, Guan Yu, CRoc
for Wing (or even flank of course): Bubbles, R&N, Joon
Out of those I would pick without consideration for color, but if any of them were LB2 I would definitely pick them.
Stats wise: Inari is definitely weakest (and avg speed is not putting her above other choices either), probably would only pick her with LB2, but then again I doubt I would LB2 her… dodge is a nice skill though, so if you are comfortably sure that an avg speed flank with weak stats can survive and fire in the area of the game you play, then she would be worth a try. I doubt in a Top 100 war she´d get to fire very often.
CRoc is also a very interesting hero, I think I would especially consider him for flank if taunt is a common skill on offense teams in your place. Dispel, DD and DoT makes an interesting combo.
All other heroes are mostly damage based with little extras.
Personally I would try:
or for better colors (double yellow):
But if you´re uncomfortable with double blues, Guan Yu instead of Sobek/Roc will make it a rainbow…
thanks, also an interesting configuration! certainly didn’t consider a healer-tank, but Guan Yu and Diaochan together makes use of their family bonus, and it does allow for a healer to sit in my roster while working on Thalassa.