Here is the Tentative September 2022 Calendar of Events in multiple formats. Please note, I have combined respective creators’ calendars under one subject arrow to shorten the post a bit.
Many thanks to the collaborators for their time and efforts…
littleKAF, Very Quietly, birksg, VEIVE, Mandy, IsaHurricane, Godfather1, ColdHands, sommc, and ArktikaTF
If you notice any errors please let us know so we can get updated versions posted.
As with all E&P calendars, featured heroes are tentative. Dates are also tentative and may be changed (notably the rare quests, but as we’ve seen, they’ve been pretty regular on Mondays, which is quite nice).
Alright, a few of the calendars are ready: Korean by @sommc, Japanese and QRef by @birksg, English by @VeryQuietly (QRef coming soon), Chinese by Mandy, Italian by @VEIVE, and my English, French, B&W, and Week-At-A-Glance. The remaining calendars will be posted very soon.
War types in english calender seem to be misplaced. Today we have war equalizer (not attack boost), saturday and next wednesday will be attack boost (not rush attack) and so on.